Day in the Life: Cierra Buchholz
Hey! I’m Cierra Buchholz. Here’s a glimpse into my life as an English major, tutor, and CAL intern!

7 a.m. – I begrudgingly wake up and make some coffee. Turning on some rock music helps me feel more awake while I start to get ready for the day. As always, I make sure to pack an extra jacket into my backpack before I head out. I can never tell how cold it is going to be here at NAU!
11:30 a.m. – Now that I am done with my first set of classes, I head over to the Hotel & Restaurant Management building. This is where I work as a Writing Tutor. I grab a coffee from the HRM CULT Café and get settled into my office. Without fail, some regular students and some new faces pop in for help. I spend the next couple of hours reading essays and helping students perfect them.
2:30 p.m. – After work, I go to a couple of classes. Right now, I am taking a humanities course and a junior-level writing course. I love the content in both of these classes. I take notes and try to keep myself organized on upcoming assignments and readings.

6:30 p.m. – Now that I’m finished with classes, I get to experience my favorite part of the day—the CAL intern team meeting! I walk over to the Riles building to chat and have dinner with my coworkers. We all work on our projects for the week while bonding with the team leader, Jamie. I do a lot of the work on our Instagram campaigns!
8:30 p.m. – Finally, the day has ended! I curl into bed and crack open my laptop to do some homework. I like to turn on some coffee shop jazz and pour a hot cup of tea to help me wind down and focus.
12:00 a.m. – Goodnight! Time to sleep!