Frequently asked questions
What is expected of me as a Bridges scholar? Accordion Closed
- Answer: Participants are expected to commit to two years to this program and maintain a competitive GPA over 3.0 at CCC in their first participation year and at NAU in their second participation year. Support from the Bridges program will help students adhere to these commitments through weekly mentoring meetings, hands-on research experience, and professional development seminars. A comprehensive 10-week summer research program after their first year in the program will also prepare students with a broad understanding across biomedical disciplines and the skills to independently acquire the knowledge needed to advance their chosen fields.
- A contract outlining the expectations of the Bridges scholars will be reviewed in the orientation event prior to the start of the academic year. Should scholars not be meeting the program expectations, disciplinary action including dismissal from the program will be taken.
What type of research will I be doing? Accordion Closed
The Bridges program focuses on research in the biomedical science and behavioral health fields. Examples of some research subject areas are environmental health, biomedical science, biology, chemistry, health science, psychology, and community health outreach.
Is it a paid position? Accordion Closed
Scholars will receive a consistent stipend throughout their participation in the program.