Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
N A U students speaking to visitors at a career fair.

NAU Votes Coalition

Join NAU Votes! and be part of a campus-wide coalition to empower student voices through voter registration and participation at NAU. As a proud member of the All IN Campus Democracy Challenge and the Campus Vote Project, we are committed to breaking down barriers and amplifying young people’s democratic engagement. Together, let’s make our voices heard and shape the future of our campus and community.

NAU Votes! Coalition participants

Panel of leaders speaking at Presidential Leadership Fellows.

What is the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge?

Ignite change on our campus with the All IN Campus Democracy Challenge. This prestigious national awards program celebrates colleges and universities that are dedicated to boosting student voting rates. By emphasizing the importance of active and informed citizenship, the Challenge inspires higher education institutions to instill democratic participation as a fundamental value. Together, we can nurture a generation of engaged citizens who hold the key to a flourishing democracy. Join the movement today and make a difference.