Arts & Culture 

Thriving by design


After transferring to NAU, interior design student Jessica Arnold triumphed alongside a team of peers determined to shape their community.

A mother of two with a full-time job, Jessica Arnold felt apprehensive about pursuing a degree in Interior Design. Her unique needs made a traditional four-year program untenable. Determined to pursue her goals, she took her first steps by enrolling in classes at Phoenix College. There, she discovered 2NAU.

“The 2NAU program made the most sense for me and my goals,” Jessica said. “I was very happy to be able to successfully transfer to NAU.  I enjoyed the flexibility and thoroughness of the education format.”

Through her 2NAU transfer, Arnold found an accommodating and affordable path to a four-year degree. On this path, she connected with quality mentors and a diverse pool of students that facilitated real growth. Early on, she was daunted by group projects, but by the end of her program Jessica learned to flourish in teamwork. Near the end of her program, she and a team of other students entered into a Keep Scottsdale Beautiful design contest—and won.

Read the full story.

Student photographers at the Grand Canyon.