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Geography, Planning and Recreation

We offer degrees and certificates in Parks and Recreation Management, Park Ranger Training, Geography, GIS, and Community Planning.


PO Box 15016 Flagstaff AZ 86011
Social Behavioral Sciences (West)
Building: 070, Room: 201


Chair, Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation

Faculty & staff

Jessica Barnes
Associate Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Jessica R. Barnes is a senior lecturer in human geography at Northern Arizona University. She teaches courses on regional geography and development.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 248
Pat S Chavez
Part-Time Temp Employees
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Aaron Kent Divine (he/him/his)
Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Serve as the primary Outdoor Education and Leadership (OEL) faculty member. Instruct other PRM core curriculum courses, as appointed.
David C. Folch
Chair, Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation
Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 244
Peter Friederici
Geography, Planning and Recreation
I teach classes in science and environmental communication, and also teach sustainability- and food-related courses in the Sustainable Communities Program.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 278
Steven Robert Gehrke (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 252
Charles Hammersley
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Teach PRM core courses PRM 205 Happiness; PRM 383 Community/Commercial Recreation; and PRM 447 Research & Evaluation in PRM. I also supervise PRM 308 & 408.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 250
Rebecca Dawn Hawley (she/her/hers)
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Professor Hawley teaches in the Master's program, the Community Planning Graduate Certificate, and Community Planning (BS).
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 254
Sandy Heath (she/her/they/them)
Assistant Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Ruihong Huang
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 240
Alder Keleman Saxena
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Scott M Kelly (he/him/his)
Part-Time Temp Employees
Geography, Planning and Recreation
John David Lynch (he/him/his)
Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Dr. Lynch is a passionate teacher, mentor, and guide in the Parks and Recreation and Sustainable Communities programs.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 258
Mark F Manone
Professor of Practice
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 260
Joshua Zachary Merced (he/him/his)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Patrick Michael OConnor
Director of the Park Ranger Training Program
Assistant Professor of Practice, Department of Geography, Planning, and Recreation
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Alyssa Dawn Payne
Academic Program Coordinator, Intermediate
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Brian Craig Petersen
Associate Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 230
Emanuel Preciado (he/him/his)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Susan Leigh Purrington (she/her/hers)
Associate Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Teaching focus is on inclusive and therapeutic recreation, program planning, and graduate courses.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 266
Joshua Ramirez (he/him/his)
Academic Program Coordinator, Intermediate
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Tommy Rock
Assistant Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Erik Schiefer (he/him/his)
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Faculty and Graduate Coordinator
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 242
Corryn L Smith (she/her/hers)
Part-Time Faculty
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Amanda Stan (she/her/hers)
Associate Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 262
Marieke Taney (she/her/hers)
Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Teaches in Parks and Recreation Management | Outdoor Education and Leadership. Interests: Interpretation, Leadership, Curriculum Design and Experiential Ed.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 270
Nora Timmerman (she/her/they/them)
Program Coordinator, SUS
Associate Teaching Professor, Sociology
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Dr. Timmerman teaches and researches environmental justice/sustainability education, ecofeminist philosophy, activism, higher edu, and community organizing.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 282
Franklin Lee Vernon
Associate Teaching Professor
Geography, Planning and Recreation
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 264

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