Professionalism Recognition Program
The Professionalism Recognition Program (PRP) is a unique opportunity for Business and Hotel & Restaurant Management (HRM) majors to distinguish themselves by developing and demonstrating professional qualities in the classroom and through extracurricular activities.
Students that complete the required amount of extracurricular activities and accumulate the minimum number of professionalism ratings (“Highly Professional,” “Professional,” “Participating,” or “Unprofessional”) from The W. A. Franke College of Business (FCB) faculty and staff may earn one of three rankings. Upon graduation participants will receive a letter from the Dean recognizing them for the level of professionalism displayed throughout the program.
Approved list of PRP extracurricular activities
Participants must complete six extracurricular activities in order to be considered.
For the below events, please submit activity in the PRP website (subject to approval)
- Executive board member of an FCB Club (worth two PRP activities)
- Executive board member of an non-FCB Club
- Attend a Job Shadow (worth one PRP activity)
- Complete a professional internship for academic credit (worth two PRP activities)
- Complete a professional internship
- Volunteering/social responsibility (not required by another activity)
Students who believe that they have an experience or activity that is worthy of credit in the Professionalism Recognition Program, please see someone in the Office of Undergraduate Programs in Room 222.

Personal development
- Interview Skills
- Résumé Writing
- Dress for Success
- PRP Orientation
- School to Work Transition
- Preparing for a Job Search
- Volunteer activities associated with the FCB and SHRM

Professional development
- Business Communication
- Dining Etiquette
- Business Etiquette
- Conflict Resolution
- Networking
Guidelines for soliciting a PRP rating
In addition to participation in extracurricular activities, participants must solicit at least 10 ratings in order to be considered. Professionalism ratings should be requested from FCB faculty or staff with whom you have regular contact, such as in a class where you did not receive a rating, or from the faculty advisor for your student organization. Ratings will be awarded according to the professionalism rubric (PDF).
To request a professionalism rating from a FCB faculty or staff member, you should begin with a well thought out and professional e-mail. Your message should:
- Be grammatically correct
- Include a salutation
- Not include text language
- Include reasons why you believe your behavior is professional
- Include what you have learned about professionalism
- Be professionally written
Should you not receive a response, then please follow up in person during the professor’s office hours or make an appointment with the respective staff member. Please note that participation for faculty and staff is voluntary and so it is possible that some professors or staff may not rate you when requested, and that you may only solicit one professionalism rating per FCB faculty or staff member.
Have additional questions? Please read through our FAQs or come see us in the Office of Undergraduate Programs in Room 222.
Are you a faculty or staff member participating in the PRP? We have more information for you.