Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Students collaborating in a computer lab.

Your résumé provides your first opportunity to make an impression with a prospective employer, so be certain to make it a memorable one that stands out from the crowd.

A résumé’s purpose

Résumés are essentially sales brochures. Effective sales brochures have two components: clear, concise presentation of product features & benefits and an aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-read appearance. The function of every word and visual in a résumé is to be a powerful and positive selling point – to make the reader interested in learning more about the product (job applicant) being sold in the résumé.

Résumé headings

  • Contact information: Include name, address (current or permanent), phone number, and e-mail address. May also include LinkedIn account and QR code.
  • Job Objective: Include only if specific or required.
  • Qualification summary (or personal profile or branding statement): Include skills and knowledge acquired, positive, relevant achievements, and professional related experience.
  • Education: Include name of college/university, location, degree, graduation date, GPA, and funding source.
  • Professional and/or work experience: Include company name, location (city and state), job title, time employed, duties, and achievements.
  • Skills (optional or in a functional résumé): Include computer and/or language used in categories such as sales or management.
  • Optional résumé headings:
    • Military service
    • Volunteer work, community service, or activities
    • Professional memberships
    • Honors and awards
  • Don’t include a “reference available upon request” line or include references
  • Don’t include anything on your résumé that doesn’t help you
  • Don’t use “I” or “me”

Includes resources for résumés, cover letters and sample thank you letters.

For assistance with your résumé or cover letter, bring a draft for review to the Career Development Office (Room 108) or make an appointment with the BCC.

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