Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Picture of the Union intersection on N A U campus.

Scholarship application instructions

Applying as a College of Education student

You only need to fill out one application to be considered for all College of Education scholarships at NAU. Please note, however, that this application does not qualify you for NAU Foundation scholarships or other scholarships offered by the university. COE scholarship applications open in January each year.

Scholarship application process

Confirm your student data

This is basic information about you that will automatically populate based on the information you have provided to the Registrar’s Office and on your Financial Aid form. You are responsible for reviewing this information to be sure it is correct. If you notice any incorrect or blank fields, please log in to LOUIE and make corrections. If you see information that cannot be changed via LOUIE, please contact us by email.

Complete the written portion

Include the following in the written portion of your application:

  • List all honors and awards, extracurricular activities, volunteer activities or community service, and relevant employment.  Please include the name of the employer or organization, job or role title, your responsibilities, the date and length of your employment, and indicate whether full-time or part-time (if applicable).
  • Provide a letter with your application that includes the following elements:
    • Explain why you are attending college.
    • Describe your career goals and aspirations.
    • Describe how a monetary award for college expenses will help you attain your goals.
    • Provide other pertinent information related to specific scholarship criteria.
    • You are not applying for a specific scholarship; however, if you have particular circumstances that qualify you for a scholarship (such as graduation from a particular high school, plans to student teach in a certain geographic area, or are a member of a particular tribe), this would be helpful information to include in your letter.
    • The letter should be one page in length (450 words minimum/500 words maximum).
    • Please note that reusing the “why I want to be a teacher” letter from a PEU admission application would not meet the criteria for this letter.
    • IMPORTANT: scholarships are awarded anonymously. DO NOT sign your letter.

Review and verify

Please review your application carefully. If you notice any incorrect or blank fields, you can return to that portion of the application and make any changes you would like. If your application looks complete and correct, you will verify this and move on to the next step. If you are unable to submit, this means that you have incomplete fields somewhere in the application.

Submit your application

Once you have submitted your application successfully, you will receive an email confirmation stating that your application has been received. Save the confirmation email for your records. Applications that have been submitted cannot be changed.


By asking to be considered for COE scholarships you are giving your consent for NAU to release your personal information to donors who will be considering you for scholarships. This includes, but is not limited to, your application information (résumé, letter, etc.), GPA, year in school, financial need, and major. Additionally, should you be selected to receive a scholarship, the donor may request updates on your progress at NAU including GPA, classes taken, and financial need. Only donors seriously considering you for scholarships and approved by the NAU Scholarship Office may have access to this information and no information will be provided to any other outside sources.