Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Arizona AI Alliance

The AZ AI Alliance is a collective of education organizations who are committed to the responsible, ethical, and effective implementation of AI in Arizona’s K-12 schools.

We believe that responsible AI implementation can be an incredible agent of change in Arizona schools and classrooms if led by a true north star for student learning yet guided by the ethics that impact a just society. Our mission is guided by the GenAI Guidance for Arizona Schools which will anchor the Alliance’s work across five key areas:

  1. Strategic Guidance: Offering education leaders advice on AI strategy, planning, and implementation.
  2. Information Dissemination: Providing regular updates through an AI Alliance newsletter.
  3. Collaborative Learning: Utilizing a Community of Practice approach for those leading AI implementation in schools.
  4. Training and Professional Development: Delivering AI training and professional development opportunities tailored to various roles within schools and districts.
  5. Policy Advocacy: Promoting legislative policies that support responsible AI use in schools.


Sponsored by GPEMC/AZEMC, the AZ Artificial Intelligence Alliance Newsletter is published monthly. Each edition will provide: 

  1. A chance to LEARN, via articles and upcoming events
  2. Resources and ideas to SUPPORT your organization with the changes forced by GenAI
  3. A chance to CONNECT with others in the AZ AI Alliance network

Get the monthly newsletter delivered to your inbox:

Learning Network

Join a monthly virtual gathering of Education Leaders across Arizona working to implement GenAI safely and effectively in our districts and organizations through a Community of Practice model, valuing the ideas, expertise, and challenging questions of all who attend. 

Meetings are held at 11:00 a.m. on the third Tuesday of the month. Join in via Google Meet!

Contact information

For more information or assistance, reach out to AZ AI Alliance co-chairs Howard Carlson and LeeAnn Lindsey through

Alliance organizations