Clubs and organizations
The College of Education (COE) proudly supports its student-led organizations and local chapters. Opportunities for students of all levels are available to get involved with peers in the same degree fields, network with mentors, and participate in professional development experiences.

Get involved with COE
There are several COE clubs to choose from to broaden your experience, network with peers and mentors, and round out the learning that takes place in the classroom. Take a look, attend a few meetings, and discover which ones are the perfect match for you!
For more details, including faculty advisor and student representative contact information, visit the NAU Student Organizations Directory on True Blue Connects.
Arizona Education Association
A group of students who work both in and out of the classroom with children, the community, and each other in an effort to develop their skills as educators. The purpose of this organization is to do many community service activities working with students throughout Flagstaff and to meet new people who have the same interests as you do. ED RISING!!
Contact AEA via email, and find out more on our Instagram page.
Community Engaging Cultural Knowledge
Students who are dedicated to advocating Indigenous cultural and educational awareness for both Native and non-Native American communities inside and outside Northern Arizona University. To provide leadership opportunities and network with each other to promote and understand Indigenous educational issues.
Doctoral Student Organization
The purpose of the Doctoral Student Organization (DSO) is to provide a forum for doctoral students to support each other, share research and ideas, and interact with faculty. It facilitates communication among doctoral students through formal and informal meetings and email exchanges. The DSO also provides a structure for doctoral students to be involved in positive change in the doctoral programs and the College of Education through its relationship with a faculty mentor and having representation on committees.
WeTEACH Future Teachers Club
All are welcome to this interactive club for future science and math teachers. This club’s mission is to give future teachers a place where they can learn more about their future careers, socialize with fellow peers, and stay passionate and engaged. Contact us for more information.
Kappa Delta Pi
The purpose of the Beta Chi chapter of Kappa Delta Pi shall be to promote excellence in, and recognition of, outstanding contributions to education.
Northern Arizona Association for the Education of Young Children
The NAzAEYC student chapter partners with the northern Arizona professional chapter at many events to build mentorship opportunities, plan and experience events with young children that directly add to their teaching expertise, and promote workshops and other professional events which add to their knowledge about young children and their families. The NAzAEYC is an internationally recognized organization, with lots of fun activities, great community service, and lots of opportunities to make a difference for young people as well as meet new people.