Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: College of Education News

Holding the torch of hope

As a child, Guadalupe Hernandez had two dreams. “First, I wanted to be a pop star—so original, right? Second, I wanted to change the world. I didn’t know how, but I knew I wanted to help those who needed it.”… Read more
N A U Lumberjack posing for the camera on Flagstaff campus.

COE graduate Maya Motomura

Two years ago, Northern Arizona University student Maya Motomura did what she could to get her foot in the door of a local elementary school. Now, just weeks away from completing her student teaching there, she doesn’t want to leave… Read more
Student teacher sitting with children at a table, reading a book.

NAU helps kids with special needs

Michelle Novelli and other faculty, staff, and seniors in the PRAXIS program in COE helped kick-start a new program to ensure seniors get credit for helping disabled students with virtual learning. The program was featured on Channel 3/CBS 5 and in The Arizona Republic… Read more
Student teacher teaches child how to use tablet.

Navajo student earns her PhD

When she was in fourth grade, Esther Cadman’s teacher asked her a question that changed her life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”… Read more
View of the mountains in Flagstaff.

Professor of STEM co-authors book

Associate professor of STEM education Ron Gray co-authored a chapter in the book, “Preparing Science Teachers Through Practice-Based Teacher Education” published by Harvard Education Press. The book advances a vision of teacher preparation programs focused on core practices in science instruction, and advocates for collaborative learning and building a community of teacher educators… Read more
N A U student looks into V R goggles.

Student wins annual 3MRP competition

Golden toads, the effect of uranium on human skin cells, research from hundreds of feet in the air and what asteroids tell us about the location of Planet X all got a brief—180 seconds, to be exact—moment in the spotlight this week at Northern Arizona University’s annual 3-Minute Research Presentation (3MRP) finals, held Tuesday at the High Country Conference Center… Read more
N A U students walking on campus.

Life in Afghanistan for a teacher and her students

Zahal Turkmani, an undergraduate student in the College of Education, authored an article that was published in the international journal Childhood Explorer. The subject of the article, Life in Afghanistan for a Teacher and Her Students, is Turkmani’s sister… Read more
Landscape photo of the San Francisco Peaks.