Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Category: Undergraduate

The Secondary History and Social Studies Ed Program Updates

The Secondary History and Social Studies Ed program is wrapping up a busy and productive Fall. We hosted several professional development events to serve current teacher candidates and practicing educators. In September Dr. Laura Muñoz gave an excellent talk based on her book Desert Dreams: Mexican Arizona and the Politics of Educational Equality to a packed auditorium. In October, we co-hosted a Saturday workshop on National History Day with the Arizona Historical Society… Read more
A teacher speaking in a history class.

Percussion Students Strike at International Conference

Eight students from the Northern Arizona University (NAU) Percussion Ensemble, accompanied by Assistant Professor of Percussion and Director of Percussion Studies Dr. Abby Fisher, attended the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC) in Indianapolis (November 14-17, 2024). The students included Abraham Arteaga, Michael Duran, Noah Garza, Maxwel Gran, Jacob Martinez, Corben Short, Juliana Thomas, and Ellis Williams… Read more

Alexandra Williams and the Curation of “Timber! Northern Arizona’s Logging Legacy”

Alexandra Williams, a senior majoring in History and Comparative Cultural Studies, led the curation of The Cline Library Special Collections and Archives (SCA) first 2024-25 exhibition entitled “Timber! Northern Arizona’s Logging Legacy”. The SCA chose to encapsulate more than a century of this history in an exhibition using photographs, documents and diary entries from the 19th and 20th centuries, the exhibition outlines northern Arizona’s evolving relationship with its forests. … Read more
Alex Williams standing with a vintage book in front of her.

BFA Capstone Exhibition

On November 22nd, we will host the Fall 2024 BFA Capstone Exhibition and Open House. Mark your calendars! The Capstone Exhibition features the creative achievements of graduating BFA candidates from the School of Art + Design, and showcases the culmination of the students’ academic and creative growth. The Open House will feature works by non-graduating students in all nooks and crannies of the Performing and Fine Arts Building… Read more
Photo of N A U campus.

Korryn Penner’s Experience With The Washington Center Internship

I had the amazing opportunity this summer, to spend it doing an internship in D.C. Before this, I had never been to D.C. and this was an amazing introduction to the district. I was surrounded by history, both past and in the making, and it was awe-inspiring. If there is one thing I learned during my internship, it is this: there are so many ways to use a history degree. Almost every professional connection I made there knew, or was, a history major… Read more
Korryn Penner is standing in front of the Washington D.C capital.
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