Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Professor teaching a class with a presentation.

NAU’s College of Education assists students and faculty with travel and research

The College of Education is proud to assist students and faculty with costs related to travel and research. As funds are limited, it is necessary to be as detailed and complete as possible when making requests.

Graduate Student Research Travel Grant

Faculty grants

Travel associated with presentations of research related to the scholarship
component of the SOE at highly selective national professional meetings or
enhancement of innovative effective teaching and clinical programs. Besides the American Educational Research Association and the American Psychological Association, each department chair after consulting with the faculty in the different program areas may submit up to four national associations which must be on file in the Dean’s office by September of each year for full consideration of the travel application (for the current cycle submission is recommended ASAP). Information submitted regarding these associations’ national conferences include acceptance ratio for papers and peer review of submitted papers, prominence in the field nationally/internationally, and other criteria indicating high visibility. The guidelines will be updated as soon as this information is obtained from each of the departments.

Full-time faculty members are eligible, including those teaching on a regular basis in COE and having a full-time appointment in the COE. The COE Dean’s Faculty Travel Grant Program will prioritize applications for faculty who are required to have a scholarship component in their annual Statement of
Expectations and are presenting at highly visible national conferences, followed by international travel. In addition, a few travel grants will be available to support to enhance highly innovative effective teaching and clinical programs.

Faculty conducting human subject research must complete IRB approval of human research. Please submit a copy of the letter from IRB indicating that your project was reviewed and the outcome of the review. For more information, visit

COE administrators with a faculty appointment in COE may be eligible for some
travel support through this program. Acceptance letter/registration verification to a conference is required prior to distribution of awards. A letter from IRB should also accompany this proposal. These should be emailed separately to

The Dean’s Faculty Travel Grant Program is for research presentations related to research goals and the faculty member’s statement of expectations at highly selective national conferences. Research presentations may include oral presentations, symposiums, posters, and round table discussions. This grant requires that the research be accepted (i.e., peer reviewed) through the normal program submission process for the convention. For enhancement of teaching/clinical programs, the workshop has sound potential
to strengthen the teaching skills of the faculty member and the department.
Funds are not available to support faculty members’ travel related to service to
professional organizations.

Submit a completed application electronically no later than one month
prior to travel.

Guidelines for Selection (not prioritized) to be addressed in the application proposal. Centrality to the faculty member’s SOE and significance of the work; centrality of the proposal to the mission of COE/NAU; centrality of the proposal to your departmental goals; the extent to which the proposal, either scholarly or instructional development work, supports COE’s current Strategic Plan.

Maximum of $500 for tenure eligible.
Maximum of $400 for tenured or non-tenure track faculty members.
Funds are limited and awards will be made until funds are expended.
Faculty members are eligible for this grant every other fiscal year. No funds can be carried over or “banked” over a number of years.