Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Student standing in front on screen and pointing at it.

Teacher Intern Preparation Program

Eligibility criteria

If you have a bachelor’s degree or higher and wish to teach full-time with salary and benefits, NAU’s Teacher Intern Preparation Program (TIPP) may be for you. TIPP is an alternative pathway offered at NAU that enables a candidate to enter into a teaching contract while completing the requirements for a standard Arizona teaching certificate.

N A U student teacher posing for photo in classroom.

How to apply

“The TIPP program allowed me to keep working in my class with my students where I gained important information and expert support.”
– Michelle Novelli, Associate Clinical Professor, COE

More information

For more information on teaching certificates, please see the Arizona Department of Education.


  • You are helping to meet a critical need in Arizona for teachers.
  • You can earn a teaching credential while being employed full-time as a teacher.
  • You are able to distribute your student teaching across your graduate program.
  • You have the opportunity to directly apply theory from graduate classes into your classroom.
  • You receive mentorship and support from your school site and NAU.
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