APMS and ¡MIRA! Associate Professor Inès Montaño is leading an NAU team in establishing the Center for Quantum Networks (CQN), a new NSF Engineering Research Center (ERC). NAU will be receiving nearly $2 million in funding as a CQN contributing partner in the areas of research, education and workforce development. CQN aims to lay the foundations of the quantum internet, which will revolutionize how humankind computes, communicates and senses the world by creating a fabric to connect quantum computers, data centers and gadgets using their native quantum information states of “quantum bits,” or qubits. In addition to its research activities, NAU will lead the new ERC’s efforts in education and workforce development in the new scientific discipline of Quantum Information Science and Engineering that will be necessary to sustain the research required for quantum networks to become a reality. More information can be found in the NAU News article, NAU scientists partner in $26 million NSF initiative to establish new Center for Quantum Networks.