AIS course descriptions
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Applied Indigenous Studies, Bachelor of Science
- Available Emphasis Areas:
- Applied Indigenous Studies Interdisciplinary Global Program - Emphasis
The Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Indigenous Studies explores the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous Nations and Peoples in North America and throughout the world.
The curriculum is presented through local and global Indigenous lenses with particular emphasis on Nation-Building, histories, lands and cultures, sovereignty, governance, economic development, health and well-being, and Indigenous environmental policy and management.
Requirements Accordion Open
To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally includes a major, the general studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below.
- All of Northern Arizona University's general studies, junior-level writing, and capstone requirements.
- All requirements for your specific academic plan(s).
- At least 30 units of upper-division courses, which may include transfer work.
- At least 30 units of coursework taken through Northern Arizona University, of which at least 18 must be upper-division courses (300-level or above). This requirement is not met by credit-by-exam, retro-credits, transfer coursework, etc.
- A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on all work attempted at Northern Arizona University.
The full policy can be viewed here.
Overview Accordion Closed
In addition to University Requirements:
- 39 - 41 units of major requirements.
- 18 - 24 units of emphasis or minor requirements.
- Up to 9 units of major prefix courses may be used to satisfy General Studies Requirements; these same courses may also be used to satisfy major requirements.
- Elective courses, if needed, to reach an overall total of at least 120 units.
Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.
Minimum Units for Completion | 120 |
Major GPA | C |
Highest Mathematics Required | MAT 114 |
Fieldwork Experience/Internship | Required |
Research | Optional |
University Honors Program | Optional |
Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Plan | Optional |
AZ Transfer Students complete AGEC-A | Recommended |
Progression Plan Link | Not Available |
Purpose Statement
The Bachelor of Science, Applied Indigenous Studies explores issues of concern to indigenous peoples both in the Americas and around the globe. The curriculum grounds students in tribal histories and cultures, governmental policies, sustainable economic development, indigenous entrepreneurship, and contemporary conditions on native lands and reservations. The Applied Indigenous Studies degree program emphasizes contemporary tribal management skills and respect for indigenous cultures. Students will gain the knowledge and tools to contribute to the sustainability of the indigenous communities into the 21st century. Using a curriculum to community approach, students will prepare to move from learning to action, applying native ways of knowing for the benefit of indigenous communities within the United States and abroad. Students will be able to effectively serve as administrators of key government service departments and programs within the tribal governments, such as planning departments, environmental, education, and related social service departments; apply the distinct laws, policies, regulations and executive orders applying to tribal nations and American Indian and Indigenous lands and jurisdictional areas; apply laws, policies, regulations and executive orders unique to American Indian tribal nations in the United States as well as international legal standards applicable to Indigenous peoples worldwide to manage and protect culturally significant sites and resources; and develop and implement economic development strategies that are culturally appropriate and feasible for Indigenous individuals, communities and nations using models of Indigenous entrepreneurship. Our program is globally oriented, traditionally grounded, and 21st century-focused. In line with Native American tradition, we are committed to training indigenous professionals for today, tomorrow, and the next seven generations to come.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Tribal Policy, Politics, and Administration
- Effectively serve as administrators of key government service departments and programs within tribal governments, such as planning departments, environmental, education, and related social service departments.
- Tribal governments are distinct from federal, state and county governments, requiring knowledge and skills beyond those taught in topic specific areas such as education, environmental science, or planning. The focus area in tribal policy, politics and administration provides students with the necessary knowledge and tools in federal Indian policy and intergovernmental relations to operate effectively within a tribal government.
- Serve as policy analysts for elected tribal officials, or Indigenous non-governmental organizations at the local, regional, or national level.
- Assert and implement the administration of treaty rights and rights of Indigenous peoples under international laws and norms, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
- Indigenous Environmental and Health Sciences
- Apply the distinct laws, policies, regulations and executive orders applying to tribal nations and on American Indian and Indigenous lands and jurisdictional areas.
- Effectively work with federal and international agencies necessary for their department's particular jurisdictional and subject area, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Indian Health Service, or equivalent counterparts in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries with Indigenous populations.
- Demonstrate the ability to effectively engage Indigenous communities in crafting solutions to challenges that combine the best practices in specific subject fields with traditional knowledge, yielding strategies and solutions that are culturally appropriate and effective.
- Cultural resource management, indigenous knowledge, and expressive culture
- Apply laws, policies, regulations and executive orders unique to American Indian tribal nations in the United States as well as international legal standards applicable to Indigenous peoples worldwide to manage and protect culturally significant sites and resources.
- Engage traditional knowledge keepers in processes of developing and implementing laws and policies unique to a specific tribe or Indigenous community that are appropriate to that particular community and ensure cultural continuity and sustainability, such as protection of and access to natural resources.
- Develop an appreciation and understanding of the rich variety of Indigenous expression rooted in cultural lifeways, including music, film, dance, art, literature, language, and spiritual practices.
- Sustainable Economic Development and Indigenous Entrepreneurship
- Develop and implement economic development strategies that are culturally appropriate and feasible for Indigenous individuals, communities, and nations using the three distinct models of Indigenous entrepreneurship: general tribal and Indigenous government entrepreneurship strategies, Indigenous community-based and owned entrepreneurial enterprises, and programs designed to support individual Indigenous entrepreneurs.
- Assess and implement economic development opportunities that are ecologically sustainable in specific communities and economically beneficial such as renewable energy projects, Indigenous cultural and ecotourism enterprises, sustainable agriculture and sustainable manufacturing.
- Analyze the potential benefit of combining enterprises in these critical areas, and to design strategic economic plans that utilize the synergy among those enterprises as regional economic drivers.3
Interdisciplinary Global Programs (IGP) Emphasis Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate the ability to critically reflect on the intersections between global Indigenous experiences, governments, histories, and contemporary challenges.
- Demonstrate cultural respect while engaging with Indigenous community members, organizations, and governments in diverse international and domestic settings.
- Tribal Policy, Politics, and Administration
- Apply and extend historical and theoretical knowledge on the ground in Indigenous government and policy settings.
- Indigenous Environmental and Health Sciences
- Engage with environmental and public health efforts in Indigenous community sites located on Indigenous nation territories within the borders of the United States or abroad.
- Learn first-hand about Indigenous government and NGO operations in relation to settler nation agencies engaged with environmental protection and advocacy for public health in Indigenous communities and territories.
- Cultural Resource Management, Indigenous Knowledge, and Expressive Culture
- Engage with and learn from creative individuals and organizations promoting Indigenous language revitalization and a broad range of cultural and artistic development within Indigenous homelands and institutions.
- Sustainable Economic Development and Indigenous Entrepreneurship
- Gain field experience on Indigenous nation territories, engage with designing, planning, and implementing sustainable economic development strategies that respect Indigenous cultural values.
Details Accordion Closed
Major Requirements
This major requires 57 - 65 units distributed as follows:
- Applied Indigenous Studies Core Requirements: 39 - 41 units
- Interest Areas
- Emphasis or Minor Requirement - Select one:
- Applied Indigenous Studies Interdisciplinary Global Program Emphasis Option: 18 units
- Minor Option: 18 - 24 units
Take the following 57 - 65 units:- The following coursework must be completed with a Grade of 'C' or better in each course.
- Applied Indigenous Studies Core Requirements: 39 - 41 units
Applied Indigenous Studies Core Requirements (39 - 41 units)
- AIS 101, AIS 201, AIS 202, AIS 304, AIS 350, AIS 404 (18 units)
- AIS 408 (0 - 2 units)
- Students electing to complete the minor option must complete 2 units of AIS 408.
- AIS 301W which meets the junior-level writing requirement (3 units)
- AIS 490C which meets the senior capstone requirement (3 units)
- Select from the following: (15 units)
- At least 6 units must be AIS courses.
- AIS 230, AIS 232, AIS 236, AIS 250, AIS 260, AIS 280, AIS 290, AIS 310, AIS 390, AIS 395, AIS 450, AIS 470, AIS 480, AIS 485
- AIS 330 or ICJ 330
- AIS 335 or ICJ 335
- AIS 483 or ICJ 483
- AIS 336 or POS 336
- ANT 351, ANT 460
- Any HIS course at the 300-level
- ARH 145
- CCJ 101, CCJ 302
- CST 301, CST 323, CST 477
- ES 191, ES 215, ES 356
- HIS 191, HIS 280, HIS 293, HIS 413
- NAV 101, NAV 102, NAV 201, NAV 202, NAV 303, NAV 304W
- POS 110
- SOC 315
- Other courses approved by the department chair.
- At least 6 units must be AIS courses.
Interest Areas
Discuss and select interest areas with your advisor. An interest area is not required.
Students with particular areas of interest in the following areas should work with their advisor to select courses in support of that area of interest:
- Tribal policy, politics, and administration
- Indigenous environmental and human health sciences, policy, and management
- Cultural resource management and Indigenous knowledge
- Sustainable community economic developmental and indigenous entrepreneurship
Emphasis or Minor Requirement - Select one (18 - 24 units)
Applied Indigenous Studies Interdisciplinary Global Program Emphasis Option (18 units)
You may only complete the Interdisciplinary Global Program (IGP) Emphasis if you are concurrently enrolled in an eligible degree offered through the College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences (CEFNS), the College of Engineering, Informatics and Applied Sciences (CEIAS), or the W. A. Franke College of Business. For a listing of eligible degrees, please contact an advisor in CEFNS, CEIAS, or the W. A. Franke College.
- AIS 408 (9 units)
- LAN 340 (3 units)
- Additional electives chosen in consultation with your advisor (6 units).
- These courses may be taken at a university abroad or a Tribal College partner in the U.S.
- Students are encouraged to study an Indigenous language. Students can study other Indigenous languages if desired during AIS 408.
Minor Option (18 - 24 units)
Complete a minor of at least 18 units from those described in this catalog. In consultation with your advisor, you should select a minor that is appropriate for your career aspirations and educational needs. Your minor advisor will advise you about this part of your academic plan.
Students enrolled in this plan may not enroll in or pursue the following due to the number of overlapping units:
General Electives
Additional coursework is required if, after you have met the previously described requirements, you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of credit.
You may take these remaining courses from any of the academic areas, using these courses to pursue your specific interests and goals. You may also use prerequisites or transfer credits as electives if they weren't used to meet major, minor, or General Studies Requirements.
We encourage you to consult with your advisor to select the courses that will be most advantageous to you.
Additional Information
Some courses may have prerequisites. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.