Find and submit forms
Below is a list of forms required for many aid programs at NAU.
Sometimes, NAU’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid will request that you complete a form in your To Do List in your LOUIE student account. If you receive one of these requests, you can find the form below.
Once you’ve filled out the form, you can upload it to OnBase.
Helpful tips in filling out your form:
- Signature requirements are specific to each form. Make sure you sign the form following the listed guidelines of that particular form.
- Read the instructions carefully. Incomplete documents will not be returned and will be shredded for security purposes.
- You can review our processing timelines for more details.
- Dependent Family Size Form
- Dependent Income Form
- Dependent Verification Form
- Identity Verification Form
- Independent Family Size Form
- Independent Income Form
- Independent Verification Form
- Parent Income Form
- Date of Birth Confirmation
- Citizenship Document Affidavit
- Change in Family Size
- Unreported Income Confirmation
- Verification of Parent Assets
- Verification of Student Assets
- Emancipated Minor or Legal Guardianship
- Dependent Family Size Form
- Dependent Income Form
- Dependent Verification Form
- Identity Verification Form
- Independent Family Size Form
- Independent Income Form
- Independent Verification Form
- Parent Income Form
- Date of Birth Confirmation
- Change in Family Size
- Unreported Income Confirmation
- Verification of Parent Assets
- Verification of Student Assets
- Emancipated Minor or Legal Guardianship
- Loan Return
- Total and Permanent Disability Discharge
Having trouble?
Trouble uploading your forms at Onbase?
- Try clearing your browser history before attempting to re-upload.
- Try using a different browser (Microsoft Edge in the private/InPrivate mode is often most successful).
- Review the OnBase troubleshooting guide.
If you continue experiencing difficulties with the upload link, or if you’d rather skip the troubleshooting steps above, you can simply email your forms to us at or drop by in person (Gammage Hall, 2nd Floor).