Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
N A U–Yuma students in genetics lab.

For Biological and Natural Resource Sciences majors at NAU–Yuma

Figuring out your class schedule can be a challenge. No one wants to make the mistake of taking courses out of sequence or taking an intense load in one semester. The following progression plans give you a guide as to what courses you should aim to take each semester, at what time in your academic journey you should take them, and when you are the best prepared to succeed in them. These plans may be subject to change depending on changes to academic catalogs.

Arizona Western College

Year 1 Course Work

Fall Semester

BIO 181 – General Biology I (4 units)

ENG 101 – Freshmen Composition I (3 units)

ART – Arts Elective (AGEC approved course) (3 units)

HUM – Humanities Elective (AGEC approved course) (3 units)


Spring Semester

BIO 182 – General Biology II (4 units)

ENG 102- Freshmen Composition II (3 units)

MAT 220 – Calculus I (5 units)

SOC – Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective (AGEC approved course) (3 units)

Year 2 Course Work

Fall Semester

CHM 151 – General Chemistry I (4 units)

BIO 205 – Microbiology (4 units)

PHY 111 – College Physics I (4 units)

SOC – Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective (AGEC approved course (3 units)


Spring Semester

CHM 152 – General Chemistry II (4 units)

ENV 230 – Foundations of Environmental Science (4 units)

PHY 112 – College Physics II (4 units)

MAT 270 – Applied Statistics (4 units)

Northern Arizona University–Yuma

Year 3 Course Work

Fall Semester

CHM 235 – Organic Chemistry I (taken at AWC) (5 units)

BSC 326 – Ecology (3 units)*

BSC 326LW – Ecology Laboratory (1 unit)*

BSC 374 – Economic Botany or other BSC elective (3 units)

BSC 395 – Science Career Development (1 unit)

NAU – NAU Elective (any class as long as it is from NAU) (3 units)

Spring Semester

BSC 344 – Cellular and Molecular Biology or other BSC elective  (3 units)

BSC 376 – Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology or other BSC elective (3 units)

BSC 396 – Ethics in Science (1 unit)

BSC 408 – Fieldwork Experience (3 units)

NAU – NAU Elective (any class as long as it is from NAU) (4 units)

Year 4 Course Work

Fall Semester

BSC 303 – Biology Beyond Earth or other BSC elective (3 units)

BSC 350 – Classical and Molecular Genetics (3 units)*

BSC 350L – Genetics Laboratory (1 unit)*

BSC 375 – Infectious Disease or other BSC elective (3 units)

BSC 395 – Science Career Development (1 unit)

NAU – NAU Elective (any class as long as it is from NAU) (4 units)

Spring Semester

BSC 302 – Relevance of Science or other BSC elective (3 units)

BSC 435C – Evolutionary Biology (Senior Capstone) (3 units)*

CHM 360 – Fundamental Biochemistry (3 units)*

CHM 360L – Biochemistry Lab (1 unit)*

NAU – NAU Elective (any class as long as it is from NAU) (6 units)

It is highly recommended that courses marked with an asterisk (*) be taken in their designated year and semester.  Please see Dr. Villa if there are scheduling conflicts.

Additional links

Biological and Natural Resource Sciences

Student Progression Plan

Program Mission and Learning Outcomes


BS Biological and Natural Resource Sciences Catalog Information

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