Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
N A U flag hanging on N A U–Yuma campus.

November Blog Post

It is hard not to consider the election this November as the news is filled with partisan politics, and misinformation bordering on slander and libel. Merriam-Webster defines slander as “false and defamatory oral statement about a person” and defines libel as “a written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression”.  This century is filled with recrimination and disinformation.  I purposely provide links to the definition of these terms so you, the reader, know how I am using them and we will have a common understanding to proceed for civil discourse.

In today’s society, civil discourse is one of the key elements for a successful election and for any kind of difficult conversation.  I frequently have challenging conversations about difficult topics with family, friends, and strangers.  It is part of my work as a librarian, but also because family and friends bring their problems to me in hopes of finding a sympathetic ear and perhaps a piece of chocolate.  Chocolate always helps in my way of thinking.  Elections need more chocolate, especially when the misinformation flies.

How can you tell when there is misinformation?

Don’t just ask, investigate.  Look something up.  If something doesn’t sound right, it probably isn’t.  It is your job to ask questions and to do your own research.  It is also why we have libraries.  Google is just a search tool which can help you in your research.  If you want to know more about something, search it on Google, but use Google smartly.  Learn not to use just the first few sites which appear.  Those are almost always ads; after all, Google has to get paid.  Dig deeper.

Also, learn to use the Tools and Filters.  For example, limit your site. If you want to know more about how to make a really excellent pumpkin pie and you saw a good example on YouTube, then limit your search on Google to only search YouTube.

For example try typing, or copying and pasting, this into Google:pumpkin pie recipe

You also could add other terms you remember and use it for the election. So if you wanted to know more about bond issues here in Yuma you could search Google for “Yuma bond issues 2022 election” and your results will bring up the 2022 elections for Yuma County.

Be smart.  Know what you are looking for and what you are looking at.



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