Black Student Ceremony

We are excited to celebrate with you at this fall’s Lumberjacks of Inclusion ceremony!
Event information
The Black Student Convocation and the awarding of the Kente cloth tradition started as an activity of the “Color of Success,” the black honor society. The group was founded in 1988 and inducted a handful of students who had received a GPA of 3.0 or higher during the previous academic year. Graduating students were given a Kente cloth to recognize their accomplishment, that of graduating from college. Over the years the “Color of Success” became inactive, but the awarding of the Kente cloth to graduating students continued.
Made by the Asante people of Ghana and Ewe of Ghana and Togo, this colorful cloth was traditionally used in trade with Europeans in the 15th and 16th centuries. Only men produce the Kente cloth’s narrow band weave, which are 2 ½ to 4 ½ inches wide. And among the Asante and Ewe, the art passed down from uncle to nephew, from father to son, generation to generation. Traditionally, among the Asante the woven Kente cloth is used to indicate a person’s status in the tribe or village. Among the Ewe people, the Kente was given and worn to indicate a certain rite of passage, occupation, or social position. Thus today, we use the cloth to honor those seniors who have distinguished themselves by completing the rite of passage.
By James Weldon Johnson and J. Rosamond Johnson
Lift every voice and sing,
‘Til earth and heaven ring,
Ring with the harmonies of liberty;
Let our rejoicing rise
High as the listening skies,
Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,
Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;
Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,
Let us march on ‘til victory is won.
Stony the road we trod,
Bitter the chast’ning rod,
Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
Yet with a steady beat,
Have not our weary feet
Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?
We have come over a way that with tears has been watered,
We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered,
Out from the gloomy past,
‘Til now we stand at last
Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast.
God of our weary years,
God of our silent tears,
Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;
Thou who has by thy might
Led us into the light,
Keep us forever in the path, we pray.
Lest our feet stray from the places, our god, where we met thee,
Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee;
Shadowed beneath thy hand,
May we forever stand,
True to our god,
True to our native land.
Name | Diploma Descr |
Akeisha Ayanniyi | Physical Therapy - Entry Level (DPT) |
Imani Litz | Physical Therapy - Entry Level (DPT) |
Stanley Njikho | Interdisciplinary Health (PHD) |
Chris Paige | Educational Leadership - Community College / Higher Education Administration (EDD) |
Quinn Truyol | Physical Therapy - Entry Level (DPT) |
Name | Diploma Descr |
Tangy Bates | Social Work - Advanced Standing (MSW) |
Robert Blackhat Jr | Career and Technical Education 90-30 (BSED) |
Mia Bradley | Educational Leadership - Community College/Higher Education (MED) |
Annalyse Brown | Clinical Speech - Language Pathology (MS) |
Kern Collymore | Sustainable Communities (MA) |
Kasarachi Emedoro | Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA) |
Richard Gunn | Career and Technical Education (MED) |
Latasha Hampton | Organizational Leadership (M) |
Anthony Hyatt | Educational Leadership - Community College/Higher Education (MED) |
Sandra Jones | Computer Information Technology (M) |
Tiffini Lawrence | Organizational Leadership (M) |
Brandon Lee | Educational Leadership - Community College/Higher Education (MED) |
Tina Leflore | Social Work - Advanced Standing (MSW) |
Lovemore Mphamba | Climate Science and Solutions (MS) |
Kuzivaishe Muzamhindo | Civil Engineering (MS) |
Erica Perkins | Educational Foundations (MED) |
Evan Singleton | Organizational Leadership (M) |
Lauren Thornton | Communication (MA) |
Eriq Williams | Business Analytics (MS) |
Sydney Wilson | Environmental Engineering (MS) |
Cierra Wran | Early Childhood Education (MED) |
Thomas Wright | Organizational Leadership (M) |
Name | Diploma Descr |
Yolanda Adams | Interdisciplinary Studies - Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (B) |
Jordan Addison | Marketing (BSBA) |
Sheila Aderonmu | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Anon Akol | Psychology (BS) |
Alexis Alexander | Nursing (BSN) |
Aaliyah Ammermann | Nursing (BSN) |
Nashallah Bell | Social Work (BSW) |
Brandon Bourne | Psychological Sciences (BS) |
Isabella Bowens | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Jamar Broner | Psychological Sciences (BS) |
Cassandra Brown | Interdisciplinary Studies - Strategic Leadership 90-30 (B) |
Tashunna Burns | Social Work (BSW) |
Tiara Campbell | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Makenna Carter Carvalho | English (BA) |
Anna Celaya-Garner | Strategic Communication (BS) |
Brent Chambers | Liberal Arts (BS) |
Calli Chance | Interdisciplinary Studies - Justice Studies 90-30 (B) |
Khalil Cooper | Health Sciences - Fitness Wellness (BS) |
Justin Croskey | Communication Studies (BS) |
Gracie Cummins | Secondary Education - English (BSED) |
Alberta Darko | Nursing (BSN) |
Eddene DePass | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
O'Kema Dierbeck-Henderson | Criminology and Criminal Justice (BS) |
Raina Dildy | Sociology (BS) |
Yasmin Dine | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Larry Dotson | Career and Technical Education 90-30 (BSED) |
Vining Durueke | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
Marcus Edwards | Psychological Sciences (BS) |
Kayd Elmi | Management (BS) |
Griffin Fitch | Marketing (BSBA) |
Mariah Fowler-Gilbert | Political Science (BS) |
Alicia Fraire | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Joshua Gibson | Biology (BS) |
Emily Gyasi | Nursing (BSN) |
Aniya Hardley | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
Ashley Harrison | Interdisciplinary Studies - Justice Studies 90-30 (B) |
Olivia Henderson | Finance (BSBA) |
Harley Hopper | Strategic Communication (BS) |
Deslie Houston | Psychology (BS) |
Larry Hunter | Psychology (BS) |
Slater Hunter | Computer Information Technology (BS) |
Sophia Ingram | Applied Computer Science (BS) |
Inyangson Inyang | Interdisciplinary Studies - Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (B) |
Mark Jackman | Social Work (BSW) |
Trache' Jacobs | Computer Information Technology (BS) |
Jessica Jemison | Health Sciences - Fitness Wellness (BS) |
Taylor Jenkins | Psychological Sciences (BS) |
Kira John | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Amy Johnson | Interdisciplinary Studies - Justice Studies 90-30 (B) |
Andrelleque Johnson | Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (BS) |
Barbara Jones | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
Rickiya Jones | English (BA) |
Isaiah Jones Embry | Psychology (BS) |
Nornubari Kii | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Kylan King | English (BA) |
Joy Lee | Philosophy, Politics and Law (BA) |
Tre Lewis | Exercise Physiology (BS) |
Anelle Leyva | Nursing (BSN) |
Theresa Lopez | Social Work (BSW) |
Jean Louica | Interdisciplinary Studies - Justice Studies 90-30 (B) |
Forrest Loving | Photography (BS) |
Jonah Luckett | Modern Languages (BA) |
Nicolea Maroney | Public Administration 90-30 (BS) |
Denise Marshall | Interdisciplinary Studies - Strategic Leadership 90-30 (B) |
Ryan Martin | University Studies (BUS) |
Alexandria Mason | Social Work (BSW) |
Josephine Maxwell | English (BA) |
Gerita McDowell | Special and Elementary Education (BSED) |
Anthony Middleton | Computer Engineering (BS) |
Royal Miller | Political Science (BS) |
Mariah Miller | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Gelor Moise | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Mya Moody | Elementary Education (BSED) |
Spiridin Moore | Secondary Education - Biology (BSED) |
Maxine Namusaazi | Nursing (BSN) |
Jude Nnamchi | Nursing - Accelerated Option (BSN) |
Ian Nunya Smith | Political Science (BS) |
Chino Ohanele | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
Chloe Patterson | Psychological Sciences (BS) |
Phoenix Payton | Hotel and Restaurant Management (BS) |
Kiona Peebles | Secondary Education - Biology (BSED) |
Mykala Perry | Business Administration (BBA) |
Mariah Pierre | Health Sciences - Nutrition and Foods (BS) |
Iolani Reaves | Communication Sciences and Disorders (BS) |
Linda Reid | Interdisciplinary Studies - Strategic Leadership 90-30 (B) |
Victoria Royster | Interdisciplinary Studies - Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (B) |
Jaelynn Salgado | Psychology (BS) |
Holly Sanjuan | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Giles Schmid | Finance (BSBA) |
Jordan Shaw | University Studies (BUS) |
Keno Shelby | Finance (BSBA) |
Shantae Smith | University Studies (BUS) |
Devon Starling | Accountancy (BSACCY) |
John Suggs | Biology (BS) |
Addison Swenson | Nursing (BSN) |
Angel Tarango | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
Immanuel TwumAmpofo | Health Sciences - Public Health (BS) |
David Upton | Interdisciplinary Studies - Public Administration 90-30 (B) |
Dedra Uzoka | Interdisciplinary Studies - Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (B) |
Tara Vance | Interdisciplinary Studies - Technology Management 90-30 (B) |
Andrea Venable | Nursing (BSN) |
Monaco Vereen | Biomedical Science (BS) |
Chloe Walker | Communication Sciences and Disorders (BS) |
Michael Wanderi | Political Science (BS) |
Jordyn Wentzel | Nursing - Option for Registered Nurses (BSN) |
Bryzai White | Journalism (BSJOUR) |
Dallas Wiltz | Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (BS) |
Devon Wooten | Communication Sciences and Disorders (BS) |
Ranola Young | Interdisciplinary Studies - Applied Human Behavior 90-30 (B) |
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