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Department of Anthropology


PO Box 15200 Flagstaff AZ 86011
Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences
Building: 065, Room: 228


Chair, Anthropology
Associate Professor, Anthropology

Faculty & staff

Lukas S Auld Thomas
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Jaime Jose Awe
Department of Anthropology
Jaime Awe is a professor in the Anthropology Department of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. His area of expertise is in Maya Archaeology.
Aliyah Joy Balsiger
Part-Time Faculty
Department of Anthropology
Chrissina C Burke (she/her/hers)
Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Zooarchaeologist: Focus on Human-Animal Interactions - Educator: Interest in Decolonizing Higher Education and Anthropology, and Equity-Driven Pedagogy
Building: Bilby Research Center (52)
Room: 140
Samantha Clifford
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Emily Dale (she/her/hers)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 230
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Davis
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Building: Bilby Research Center (52)
Room: 153
Emery Rose Eaves
Chair, Anthropology
Associate Professor, Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 232
Natasa Garic-Humphrey
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Anna M Gross
Administrative Services Assistant, Senior
Department of Anthropology
Lisa Jane Hardy
Department of Anthropology
Professor, Anthropology; Director, Social Science Community Engagement Story Lab; Core faculty, PhD in Interdisciplinary Health
Part-Time Temp Employees
Institute for Human Development (IHD)
Professor, Anthropology; Director, Social Science Community Engagement Story Lab; Core faculty, PhD in Interdisciplinary Health
Kelley Ann Hays-Gilpin (she/her/hers)
Department of Anthropology
Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Anthropology at the Museum of Northern Arizona
Building: Bilby Research Center (52)
Room: 154
Gavin Alexander Healey (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Applied Indigenous Studies Sociocultural Anthropology
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 316
Clinton Dean Humphrey
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Alder Keleman Saxena
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Corina M Kellner (she/her/hers)
Department of Anthropology
As a bioarchaeologist and director of the Anthropology Isotope Paleodiet lab, I study how people from past societies dealt with environmental and culture change
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 235
Melissa Ann Liebert (she/her/hers)
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 234
Ora Marek-Martinez (she/her/hers)
Associate Vice President, Office of Native American Initiatives
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Native American Initiatives
ONAI Associate Vice President | Assistant Professor, Anthropology | Indigenous Scholar & Mentor
Building: Native American Cultural Center (14)
Armando Medinaceli
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 232
Sharon Kay Moses
Department of Anthropology
Forensic Archaeology/Anthro, Geographic Profiling; Forensic Art: facial reconstruction, Archaeology; Violence & Gender; Coord.-Social Sci. Forensic minor
Building: Raul H. Castro Social and Behavioral Sciences (65)
Room: 339
Leah Miriam Mundell (she/her/hers)
Associate Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Associate Teaching Professor in Anthropology and Community Engagement Minor Coordinator. My community-based research interests include migration and education.
Building: Social Behavioral Sciences (West) (70)
Room: 280
Michelle Anne Parsons
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Leszek M Pawlowicz
Assistant Research Professor (NCF)
Department of Anthropology
Lucero M Radonic
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Nicole A Rose (she/her/hers)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Archaeologist | Research Focus: Bronze and Early Iron Age Eurasia, mobility, ceramic technology and composition, communities of practice
Building: Bilby Research Center (52)
Room: 165D
Kayeleigh Sharp (she/her/hers)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Susan Gregg Smiley
Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Kellam J Throgmorton (he/him/his)
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Florian A Trebouet (he/him/his)
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Anthropology
Primatologist | Research Focus: Reproductive Strategies & Sexual Selection in Macaques in SE Asia | Interests in Primate Behavior & Ecology, Human Evolution
Building: Bilby Research Center (52)
Room: Room 165A

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