Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Wires that are connected to a computer.

Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) with Memories Containing Ternary States


Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) strengthen the security of authentication methods by acting as a virtual “fingerprint” of the hardware, delivering unique signatures during the authentication process. PUFs exploit intrinsic manufacturing variations which are naturally introduced during the fabrication of hardware. This technology utilizes PUFs for memories containing ternary states based on commercially available memory architectures. The resulting data streams used for hardware authentication are extremely stable and predictable, needing little to no error correction. Additionally, the authentication process is less susceptible to side-channel attacks by hackers.

Additional information

Patent number and inventor


Bertrand Cambou

Potential applications

This technology is designed for use with cryptographic systems and authentication methods.

Benefits and advantages

The authentications based on PUFs are less susceptible to crypto-analysis and add another level of complexity to computing protocols.

Case number and licensing status


This invention is available for licensing.