Generation of Composite Private Keys
The technology generates composite private keys using a one-time pad (OTP). The length of the composite private keys is unlimited with the use of key extensions. In turn, the composite private keys can be as long as the data is encrypted. The new innovative composite private key generation techniques utilize addressable public key infrastructures (PKA) and keys with variable lengths (KVL). PKA/KVL public and private keys are based upon ternary cryptographic tables. Additionally, the composite private key techniques utilize other cryptographic public-private key generation methods that yield reproducible private keys. Once the composite palate keys are formed, the OTP uses the exclusive OR (XOR) bit operation on the data to be encrypted or decrypted.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Dennis D. Booher and Bertrand Cambou.
Potential applications
This technology is designed for use with encryption.
Benefits and advantages
With this technology, public keys and encrypted data can be freely exchanged through nonsecure communication channels. The process is achieved by generating keys with variable lengths, separately and independently, in the nonsecure environment. Following this, the data can be decrypted at the destination using a secured composite private key.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.