Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Molecular structure and liquids used in research labs.

Differential and Variable Stiffness Orthosis Design with Adjustment Methods, Monitoring, and Intelligence


Upper- or lower-extremity orthoses, including ankle foot orthoses (AFOs), are commonly prescribed for individuals with impairment from stroke, incomplete spinal cord injury, and cerebral palsy. This system is a novel orthosis design and method for improving function with differential and/or variable stiffness via manual, automated, or passive mechanical adjustment.

Additional information

Patent number and inventor

Patent pending

Zachary F. Lerner

Potential applications

This exoskeleton’s usage may include rehabilitation, assistance, and enhancement of a user’s capabilities to improve gait patterns and walking economy in individuals with neurological conditions.

Benefits and advantages

This design was developed to (a) improve the ability of an individual to customize their orthosis assistance without the need for a certified orthotist, (b) allow for interchangeable components that can be swapped out for larger/smaller sizes, (c) provide the option for user and device monitoring, (d) create a connected device that can be used for tele-rehab or telemedicine, and (e) improve device performance across different ambulatory conditions.

Case number and licensing status


This invention is licensed.

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