Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Molecular structure and liquids used in research labs.

High Sensitivity Multiple Antigen (BurkPx) Assay for Melioidosis Detection


This technology provides highly optimized assay kits for detecting the presence of Burkholderia pseudomallei in a sample and for identifying and monitoring correlates of protection related to immunization against Burkholderia pseudomallei. The assay includes a specialized selection of antigens screened from over 188 serum samples to provide high specificity and sensitivity.

Additional information

Patent number and inventor

Non-confidential summary

Erik Settles, Paul Keim, Derek Sonderegger, Bart Currie, and Mark Mayo.

Potential applications

Clinical applications.

Benefits and advantages

The current standard for detection relies on an IHA serology assay, which has variable specificity/sensitivity dependent on cut-off, time after admittance, and the population assessed. Currently, no commercial assay exists. This is a rapid and effective Protein Antigen Production Pipeline (PAPPi) for antigen protein production based upon genome analysis. The BurkPx assay also includes three carbohydrate antigens and differential diagnostic beads (WCL) for other gram-negative pathogens (e.g., E. coli). It is highly reproducible in accuracy and precision. In addition, multivariate modeling and machine learning approaches have optimized the antigen set for maximum specificity and sensitivity.

Case number and licensing status


This invention is available for licensing.

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