Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Molecular structure and liquids used in research labs.

Parallel Elastic Leaf Spring for Cable-Actuated Lower-Extremity Exoskeleton


Individuals with muscle control disorders such as cerebral palsy frequently experience a downward trend of reduced physical activity and worsening of gait function leading to a permanent decline in ambulatory ability. Powered exoskeletons allow users to perform limb motion with additional external power to increase the user’s strength and endurance. This exoskeleton device combines active (actuated) and passive (spring-assisted) components to improve the performance of either component independently.

Additional information

Patent number and inventor

Patent pending

Zachary F. Lerner

Potential applications

This exoskeleton’s usage may include rehabilitation, assistance, and enhancement of a user’s capabilities to improve gait patterns and walking economy in individuals with neurological conditions.

Benefits and advantages

This device combines active battery-powered actuators with passive components that can be personally customized to each user’s preferences, needs, or body mass. The leaf spring can offload motor requirements to result in a lighter-weight exoskeleton design, save battery capacity, and/or increase battery life.

Case number and licensing status


This invention is licensed.