The technology provides assays, methods, and kits that may be used to detect and quantify total Coccidioides species in a sample. The technology provides a genomic target specific to the Coccidioides species. A real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction-based (real-time qPCR) assay provides a straightforward, highly sensitive, and specific detection and quantification system. Probes and primers are designed specifically for the Coccidioides species or strains. A sample may be derived from anywhere that the fungus/fungal body is found, such as soil, air, water, solid surfaces, culture media, and foodstuffs.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Bridget Barker, Elizabeth Driebe, Jolene Bowers, Paul Keim, and David Engelthaler.
Potential applications
Clinical applications to detect and quantify Coccidioides and treat valley fever.
Benefits and advantages
While real-time PCR-based assays have been developed that allow clinicians to identify Coccidioides as a cause of illness, the assays have lacked needed sensitivity and do not accurately quantify the load of Coccidioides organisms in an infection. This technology overcomes the sensitivity, specificity, and quantification of Coccidioides species or strains.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.