This technology relates to a novel bio-inspired control algorithm based on the winding filament hypothesis that emulates the intrinsic properties of muscle characterizing biological actuation. The algorithm consists of a computer simulation of a motor in series with a spring, in which a movable pulley is positioned between the motor and the spring. The motor can extend the spring, and the forces that move the pulley can also extend or shorten the spring. The algorithm demonstrably captures the non-linear properties of muscle during active stretch and shortening.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Kiisa Nishikawa, John Tester, and Jeremy Petak.
Potential applications
A robust control algorithm for control of powered prostheses.
Benefits and advantages
The relative advantages of the novel device over existing control systems include improved control and durability on ramps, uneven terrain, and compliant substrates.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.