Intracranial aneurysm rupture will claim 15,000 American lives this year and impair over 9,000 with neurological deficits. Current treatments are unable to remove the aneurysm threat permanently. Therefore, even after undergoing an endovascular treatment, an aneurysm could still regrow (recanalize) and rupture.
This technology is a new balloon-stent device that allows neurointerventionalists a less restricted time window to deploy the embolic devices and obtain a more complete aneurysm sac fill while concurrently limiting any protrusion or migration of the embolic devices downstream.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Patent pending
Tim Becker
Potential applications
The primary application focuses on temporarily sealing off an aneurysm neck during complementary endovascular device deployment while maintaining blood flow in the parent vessel.
Benefits and advantages
Endovascular treatments involving the latest in embolic devices (i.e., metal coils, hydrogel coils, flow disruptors, and liquid embolics) can benefit from a novel medical device that adequately seals across the aneurysm neck during device delivery to the aneurysm sac while allowing the blood flow to perfuse through the parent artery.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.