The invention consists of methods to strengthen the nasal microbiome with probiotics, reducing colonization of pathogenic organisms such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the anterior nares and nasal cavity. In some cases, the method would include the use of a pharmaceutical agent with a probiotic. The probiotics include Dolosigranulum and Simonsiella species.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Cindy Liu and Lance Price.
Potential applications
Clinical application to treat Staphylococcus aureus colonization.
Benefits and advantages
There is a critical need for alternative Staphylococcus aureus treatment. The decolonization strategy provides greater long-term success, without selecting for multi-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains or disrupting the natural nasal microbiome. This method can be used to control, treat, reduce, eliminate, and/or prevent the growth of organisms that negatively impact the health of patients.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.