The Amplicon Sequencing Analysis Pipeline (ASAP) system is a user interface, processing system, and communications interface. ASAP characterizes a genetic sample, such as species variant, virulence factor, antibiotic resistance, and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The system receives assay data individually, then compares the amplicon sequencing data to the reference sequence, and identifies genetic characteristics based on individual associations in the assay data. The processing system determines amplicon identity with the use of interpretation metrics, which indicate sequencing depth and quality.
Additional information
Patent number and inventor
Darrin Lemmer, Jolene Bowers, Erin Kelley, David Engelthaler, Elizabeth Driebe, and Paul Keim.
Potential applications
Clinical application to improve the efficiency of medical and biological research.
Benefits and advantages
Medical and biological research using DNA sequencing is a complex process, and the ability to run different assays with various functions and multiple reference sequences creates even more complexity. In addition, interpreting the resulting output is cumbersome.
The ASAP system drives its communication interface to transfer genetic data with the genetic characteristics and related interpretation metrics, such as confidence, amplicon coverage, and the number of amplicons with same nucleotide pattern from the same genomic region. The data is graphically presented, allowing medical and biological researchers to use the data easily.
Case number and licensing status
This invention is available for licensing.