Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Ben ruddell working on a monitor.

FAAR Administrator Instructions

How it works

The Faculty Activity and Achievement Reporting system facilitates the annual evaluation process and allows faculty to report accomplishments for departments, colleges, and the university. Faculty enter activity each semester and FAAR populates a system CV for use in evaluations and can aggregate that activity for internal and external reporting purposes.

Setting administrative rights

Admin rights can be set when adding someone or added to an existing person.

  1. Go to Administration > Administration > Faculty (under Add/Edit).
  2. Choose the appropriate employment status (Full Time is default), then click the unit for the person.
  3. Use the search box to the find the person, then click the pencil edit icon.
  4. Scroll to the Administrative Rights section and choose an access type, unit level, and unit.
  5. Click Save and Go Back.

Change employment status

Faculty are inactivated at the end of the semester following their departure. To change a status:

  1. Go to Administration > Administration > Faculty (under Add/Edit).
  2. Choose the appropriate employment status (Full Time is default), then click the unit for the person.
  3. Use the search box to the find the person, then click their employment status.
  4. Choose the new status and whether to allow login access.
  5. Click Submit.

Statement of Expectations (SOE)

How to send and re-open the statement

The SOEs are initiated via the Communication area by the deans’ offices for returning faculty in the spring and new faculty in the fall. Creating or re-opening an SOE can be done by anyone with admin privileges, but must be done carefully:

  1. Go to Administration → Communication → Faculty Classification Form.
  2. Set the start semester as fall 20xx and the end semester as spring 20xx (e.g., fall 2021 – spring 2022). Some units might include summer. Do not use “Ongoing” as the end term.
  3. Click Statement of Expectations as the input form to send.
  4. Set an expiration and due date, optionally, and whether an email is sent. Expiration is when it disappears from the user’s home page task list. Due date is shown on the task list but does not have an effect on when the link expires. Note: As of July 2018, forms on the Action Item List are not deletable, thus expiration dates are a good idea.
  5. Select the names to whom you are sending the SOE.

Viewing and approval

A chair or director can do bulk editing, viewing, or approvals through the following steps:

  1. Go to Administration → Input Classification.
  2. Select unit if applicable.
  3. Select “SOE Administrative Approval (Chair)” as the input form. To simply view SOEs, you can select Statement of Expectations.
  4. Select fall 20xx as the start semester.
  5. Select faculty by clicking on individual names using Ctrl button or select the whole list. Too many selections (>30) can make the report run slowly.
  6. Click Multiple to see everyone at once, or Individual to see them one at a time.
  7. You can see which faculty have submitted SOEs because there will be text entered and a submission date.
  8. Indicate approval through the pull-down choice next to the faculty name. Press Submit.

Important notes

Do not approve/edit old SOEs, as it will overwrite all subsequent SOEs.

In addition, do not press the Submit button after viewing “old” SOEs, as it will overwrite current/future SOEs. Future SOEs and approvals are cleared out in January.

Workload forms

The workload form is created and sent to faculty centrally by the Office of the Provost at the end of each semester. Summer workloads are sent to faculty who teach during the summer or have 12-year contracts.

Workload approval

Chairs/directors can approve faculty workloads after submission by faculty. This can be done any time after faculty submit the form, well before the actual review period.

  1. Go to Administration → Approve Faculty Input.
  2. For the term you wish to approve (e.g., fall 2020), click on the eye icon under Actions.
  3. Click on the eye icon under View and Approve for anyone who has submitted their workload.
  4. If the workload is correct, click Approve at the top of the form.
  5. If the workload needs revision, click Return for Revision (wording may vary).
  6. In this area you may send email reminders if needed.

Annual reviews and recommendations

The Office of the Provost creates reviews centrally according to lists provided by each college. Chairs/directors should work with individual faculty members to ensure that their review materials are clear and well organized. Find more information on reviews and tenure, and view the Personnel Action Calendar for deadlines.

Performing evaluations

Evaluations will commence formally when faculty members submit their self-evaluation in FAAR, locking the CV for future reviewers.

  1. On the Dashboard Action Item list click Complete Evaluation: [Evaluation Name]. You can also go to Faculty → Evaluations → Perform Evaluations and click Evaluate.
  2. Click the SOE eyeball to view it. Note: The fall/winter/spring terms in SOE will likely show the same information, since SOEs are for the full academic year.
  3. Click the CV eyeball to view activities within the terms of interest. Evaluations from previous review steps are at the end of the CV.
  4. Click the Evaluate button to evaluate each person. Text entry is preferred over having only an attachment.
  5. Only Evaluation Authors (e.g., Dept Chair, Head of FSC/ARC) will see the Evaluate button. See part C of the next section if you need an alternate committee member to be able to submit the review for evaluating the chair of the committee.
  6. Select check-boxes and press Submit Selected Evaluations when finished.

Adding and removing faculty from evaluations

The provost’s office works with colleges to develop a list of faculty annual review groups. If changes are required, adding or removing who get evaluated and in what group, the changes need to be made at all review levels. That is, if a chair changes the evaluated list, the college needs to know to change the dean level, and if the college changes it, the provost’s office needs to know to change the provost level.

  1. Go to Administration → Evaluations, and navigate to the evaluation of interest by using In Process Only checkbox and “self” in the search box. Click the pencil icon.
  2. In the first section click the # Faculty Selected button next to Faculty Being Evaluated. Add or remove faculty in right-side box. Click Select Faculty.
  3. Scroll down and click Save.
  4. The same change needs to be made at the ARC level, chair level, dean level, and provost level if applicable.

Adding FSC/ARC names to evaluations

After evaluations are spawned by the Office of the Provost, the FSC/ARC evaluation will have no evaluator names. The college should work to delegate the process of getting FSC committee names into all FSC evaluations. The process is similar to add chair/director/dean evaluator names.

  1. Go to Administration → Evaluations, and navigate to the evaluation of interest by using In Process Only checkbox and “FSC” in the search box. Click the pencil icon.
  2. Under “2 Assign Evaluators & Schedule” click the # Faculty Selected (or Select Faculty) button next to Evaluators. Choose all the committee members. When they are in the right-side box, you’ll click Select Faculty.
  3. Next click the # Faculty Selected (or Select Faculty) button next to Evaluation Authors. Choose the committee chair, and if applicable (i.e., if the chair is getting evaluated in this group), choose a back-up author. You’ll need to follow the directions below (starting from step C.3) to complete the back-up author setup process.
  4. Scroll down and click Save.

Re-opening, extensions, unlocking CV, and author settings

Department admins have access to the evaluation setups for their faculty. Go to Administration → Evaluations, and navigate to the evaluation of interest using the search box or drop down boxes. The following changes can be made:

A. Re-open a submitted evaluation: If the due date has not passed, click the #/# link, check the box next to the person, and press Unsubmit Selected Evaluations.

B. Extend an evaluation: Click the edit pencil icon.

  1. To extend the due date for everyone, change the Due Date & Time in “2 Assign Evaluators & Schedule.” Click Save.
  2. To extend the due date for one person, click Author Settings button and enter a new due date/time in “B Time Due” next to the person’s name. Click Save twice.

C. Unlock a previously locked CV: The CV locks when the evaluation is accessed at the first review level after self-evaluation. In case a faculty member needs to make CV updates after submission of the self-evaluation, the CV must be unlocked. Click the edit pencil icon for the current evaluation setup (at the ARC level or beyond):

  1. Under “5 Evaluation Management” click Managed Locked Vitas.
  2. Choose the vita to unlock, and press Unlock.
  3. The vita will only remain unlocked until an evaluator accesses the evaluation again. Optionally, go up to “3 Evaluation Documents,”  click the pencil icon for the CV, and choose a different locking time. Save the evaluation.

D. Assign a different author/submitter for committee chair or department head: Click the edit pencil icon.

  1. Under “2 Assign Evaluators & Schedule” click Faculty Selected button next to Evaluation Authors.
  2. Choose the second person who will submit the evaluation. A different evaluation author is used for a committee chair’s evaluation or relatives of the chair/director.
  3. Save the evaluation, then click the edit icon again.
  4. Click Author Settings.
  5. In the column for the chair, select “Author” for everyone except their own name (or relative), where “Evaluator” should be selected instead. In the column for the alternate submitter, select “Evaluator” for everyone except the chair/relative, selecting “Author” instead.
  6. Click Save twice to save all changes.

E. Allow a collaborative evaluation: This allows all evaluators to modify the evaluation form, but only the author can submit the form. Only one author is allowed in this case. Under “2 Assign Evaluators & Schedule” click the checkbox next to Collaborative Evaluation. Click Save.

Best practices for Annual Reviews

  • Paste the decision into the text box in addition to attaching the letter in the evaluation.
  • Tip: The “In Process Only” option and the Search box are useful to filter evaluations.
  • Evaluations should only have one author unless author settings are used as described above. If not, there will be duplicate unnecessary evaluations.

FAAR reporting

Going to Administration > Reports allows chairs, directors, and college administrators to report on faculty activity and qualifications for accreditation.

Scholarly activity reporting

  1. In the reports section, go to Scholarly Activities under Activity Reports.
  2. Choose an activity, or keep the “All” selection.
  3. Change the terms to the semesters of interest.
  4. Optionally, apply a filter based on an activity classification.
  5. Press Build Report.
  6. You’ll now see counts by unit. Click the grand total number in the bottom right to see counts by faculty. Click the grand total number again to see a listing of activities.
  7. From the listing, you can add columns showing faculty selections for certain activity classifications.

Evaluation results

An evaluation process holds all evaluations of a faculty group (e.g., NTT, Tenure-track, Post-tenure) for an evaluation period. The process holds evaluations for self, FSC/ARC, chair, dean, etc. In the reports section, go to Evaluations under Administrative Reports. You may need to request access to this report.

  1. Choose dates during which the evaluation would have been submitted.
  2. Pick faculty as needed.
  3. Press Build Report
  4. You’ll see three columns. Click the Total number in any column:
    • Evaluation Titles shows rows for each evaluation type (self, chair, etc.). Click a number in the Total Evaluations column to see results for all people in a single evaluation type. This view is best for looking at scores, but you can only do one department and evaluation type at a time.
    • Faculty Being Evaluated shows rows for each evaluation process and person. Click a number in the Total Evaluations column to see the results of all evaluations of a single person in a single evaluation process.
    • Total Number of Faculty Evaluations shows rows for each person/process/evaluation combination. This is the most granular view, where you can see due dates, number of evaluators, and submission status. This view is good for error checking purposes.

Qualifications and accreditation

The Reports area has sections for AACSB, ABET, NCATE-CAEP, and Regional accreditation. This allows for checking and updating faculty qualifications for accreditation purposes.

  1. Go to Administration → Reports → Click report of interest.
  2. Choose terms and faculty of interest. Click Build Report.
  3. You will see a summary of accreditation-related data as entered in FAAR by faculty.
  4. For reports that show the degrees, if the degree is hyperlinked, that means a transcript is available.
  5. In Faculty Roster: the last two columns document graduate credits or qualification through exception (experience). There are three ways to update these columns:
    • Click the dash and input the text in the pop-up box, then Submit.
    • Use Administration → Input Classifications and choose HLC: Qualifications as the input form. Choose the term, people, and whether you want to view all or individual.
    • Send the form to faculty to complete through Admin → Communication → Dashboard Message – Faculty Classification Form. Click the HLC: Qualifications form, then choose the faculty to send to.