Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
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Exceptional scholars honored as NAU Regents’ Professors

The designation of Regents’ Professor is an honored position reserved for faculty scholars of exceptional ability who have achieved national and international distinction. The title Regents’ Professor serves to recognize the highest academic merit and is awarded to faculty members who have made a unique contribution to the quality of the university through distinguished accomplishments in teaching, scholarship, research, or creative work.

The following list represents those who have received the title of Regents’ Professor for Northern Arizona University. The Conditions of Faculty Service (COFS) provides the procedure for review and evaluation for appointment to this distinguished position. The current version of COFS is available by contacting the Office of the Provost.

Regents’ Professors

Active Regents’ Professors listed below are in italics


Dr. Russell P. Balda, Biological Sciences (retired 2003)

Dr. J. Dale Nations, Geology (retired 2000)

Dr. William J. Roosen, History (NAU 1967–93)


Dr. Stanley S. Beus, Geology (retired 1993)

Dr. Lawrence M. Perko, Mathematics (retired 2001)


Dr. Monte M. Poen, History (retired 1993)


Dr. Gina P. Cantoni, Bilingual/Multicultural Education (retired 2000)

Dr. H. Lloyd Mogensen, Biological Sciences (retired 1998)

Dr. James Sexton, Anthropology (retired 2014)


Dr. Dickson A. Mungazi, Education (NAU 1988–2008)

Dr. Peter W. Price, Biological Sciences (retired 2002)


Dr. William W. Covington, Forestry (retired 2020)

Dr. Robert T. Trotter, Anthropology (retired 2022)

Dr. Thomas G. Whitham, Biological Sciences (retired 2021)


Dr. Graydon Lenn Berlin, Geography and Public Planning (retired 2011)

Dr. Dean W. Blinn, Biological Sciences (retired 2001)


Dr. Donald V. Bendel, Fine Arts – Ceramics (NAU 1989–2018)

Dr. Curtis M. Hinsley, History (retired 2014)


Dr. Michael Eastman, Chemistry (retired 2002)

Dr. Jill Dubisch, Anthropology (retired 2010)


Dr. Stan Lindstedt, Biological Sciences (retired 2015)

Dr. Michael Wagner, Forestry (retired 2011)


Dr. Douglas Biber, English (retired 2022)


Dr. Thomas McPoil, Physical Therapy (retired 2010)

Dr. Zachary Smith, Political Science (1989–2023)

Dr. Karen VanWinkle-Swift, Biological Sciences (NAU 1989–2018)


Dr. Paul Keim, Biological Sciences


Dr. Kiisa Nishikawa, Biological Sciences

Mr. Jim Simmerman, English (NAU 1977–2006)


Dr. Lee Drickamer, Biological Sciences (retired 2010)

Dr. Raymond Michalowski, Criminal Justice (retired 2021)


Dr. William Grabe, English (retired 2018)


Dr. Paul Beier, School of Forestry (retired 2020)

Dr. Edith Copley, School of Music (retired 2021)

Dr. Darrell Kaufman, Geology


Dr. Bruce Hungate, Biological Sciences


Dr. Nancy Johnson, Biological Sciences


Dr. Julie Baldwin, Health Sciences

Dr. Pete Fulé, School of Forestry

Dr. Andrew Richardson, School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems


Dr. Scott Goetz, School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems

Dr. Bjorn Krondorfer, Religious Studies

Dr. Jani Ingram, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Dr. Yiqi Luo, Biological Sciences (resigned 2022)

Dr. Michelle Mack, Biological Sciences

Dr. Ted Schuur, Biological Sciences

Dr. Miguel Jose Yacamán, Applied Physics and Materials Science


Dr. Catherine Gehring, Biological Sciences

Dr. Heidi Wayment, Psychological Sciences

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