Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Faculty speaking to a student.

We are proud of our faculty and value their accomplishments. See our community of high-achieving students, faculty, staff, and alumni in the Northern Arizona University Community of Distinction.

2025 awards – call for nominations

Please check back for details on how to recognize the significant work of our faculty and academic professionals across campus. For questions, contact Hillary Stowell, Provost’s Office Chief of Staff.

The award recognizes full-time Faculty and Academic Professionals (Librarians and Archivists) who improve the quality of education at NAU through commitment to leadership in curricular innovation; efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice at NAU; and professional development, shared governance, and academic unit operations. The award is open to all full-time Faculty and Academic Professionals of any track and rank or a team of full-time Faculty and/or Academic Professionals who have implemented a collective project, innovation, or improvement of existing practices. The Office of the Provost will provide a certificate and a fund of $1,000 that may be used for professional development.

Applicants must show evidence that their project has been assessed and/or evaluated and has improved student learning, the student academic experience, academic unit practices, and faculty leadership; advanced diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice; and/or contributed to more efficient and effective academic unit operations. Preference will be given to projects and innovations that have potential to be replicated across classrooms, programs, academic units, and/or disciplines.

Previous recipients of this award are eligible to apply again after two years.

Nomination process

Individuals or teams may self-nominate or nominate colleagues. Students may nominate individual Faculty or Academic Professionals.

The packet shall include the following items:

  1. Description of the innovation:
    • Challenges addressed
    • Objectives
    • Approach and/or methodology
    • Creative or novel features
  2. Description of how the innovation has been implemented, assessed, and/or evaluated:
    • Documentation of how objectives were met
    • Extent to which the objectives were achieved
    • Impact on student learning, shared governance, DEIJ, academic unit operations
  1. Description of the potential for others to adopt or adapt the innovation:
    • How the innovation might be used in other settings, including the transferability and adoption to other courses, programs, academic units, or disciplines
    • Resources required to adapt or adopt the innovation
    • Potential impact on the overall quality of teaching and learning at NAU
  2. Letter of support from the chair/director of the applicant’s department/school.
  3. The award review committee will download the applicants’ CV from FAAR. No separate CV should be submitted, but applicants should make sure their FAAR CV is up-to-date.

Submission Deadline

The nomination packet (three pages maximum) should be submitted electronically as a Word document or PDF to by March 3, 2025, 5:00PM. Please use the following subject line: “[Your last name], Service Award application.”

Review of applications

A committee of full-time faculty members who have received the Liberal Studies Award or the Excellence in Curriculum Innovation Award in the past, academic unit leaders, and representatives of the Office of the Provost will review the applications and make a recommendation to the Provost, who will choose the recipient(s).

One recipient will be selected from the College Teachers of the Year. No separate nominations will be accepted. The Office of the Provost will provide a certificate and a fund of $500 that may be used for any allowable expense under university policy.


The award recognizes full-time faculty who work to enrich our curriculum by facilitating global learning experiences and engagement and who have implemented a collective project, innovation, or improved existing global learning practices. All full-time faculty of any track/rank or a team of full-time faculty members are eligible to apply. The Office of the Provost and Center for International Education will provide a certificate and a fund of $1,000 that may be used for any allowable expense under university policy.

Applicants (individual or team) should demonstrate a strong commitment to global learning, as demonstrated through their teaching, scholarship, or service, illustrating evidence of effectiveness. Previous recipients of this award are eligible to apply again after two years.

Nomination process

Faculty may self-nominate or nominate a colleague or team of colleagues. Students may nominate faculty members. The nomination packet (three pages maximum) should include a description of the contribution(s) made and indicators of its positive impact on global learning or engagement. The award review committee will download the faculty member’s CV from FAAR (please make sure this is up to date).

Submission deadline

Applications should be submitted as PDFs to Provost’s Office Chief of Staff, Hillary Stowell by March 3, 2025, 5:00PM. Please use the subject line: “[Your last name], Global Learning Award application.”

Review of applications

A committee of an academic unit leader, leaders from the Center for International Education, and representatives from the Office of the Provost will review the applications. The committee makes a recommendation to the Provost, who will choose the recipient(s).

Faculty member playing the violin.

Regents’ Professors are exceptional faculty scholars who have earned national and international recognition and made a unique contribution to the university through teaching, scholarship, research, or creative work.

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