Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Two people working on a computer together in the library.

Academic integrity at NAU

Academic integrity policy

Academic integrity refers to honest and ethical conduct in all aspects of academic life. Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded in honesty with respect to all intellectual efforts of oneself and others. NAU expects every student to firmly adhere to a strong ethical code of academic integrity in all their scholarly pursuits.

We encourage all NAU campus community members to read and understand our Academic Integrity Policy to learn about academic integrity, and any processes involved when academic integrity violations occur.

We have a full suite of resources for students, faculty, and University Hearing Board membership to assist in upholding the highest academic integrity standards at NAU.

Communication templates

In the unfortunate situation that an academic integrity violation occurs, we have prepared a set of communication templates for faculty and academic administrators to use. These will ensure clear, thorough, and timely communication can be made between faculty and students following the requirements set forth in our policy. We have also provided instructions to associate deans on checking for prior academic integrity violations.

Please be certain that you are checking for prior incidents and following the Academic Integrity Hearing Board referral procedures when you receive any academic integrity reports.

Academic Integrity Hearing Board

NAU’s Academic Integrity Hearing Board (“Hearing Board”) is charged by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs to review and render decisions on academic integrity violations referred to them by academic units. The membership of the Hearing Board is made up of faculty and student representatives from each academic college.


The Office of the Senior Vice Provost for Academic Operations provides training. Email us if you have been newly assigned to hearing board duty for your department. The hearing board online workshop is under construction, but all faculty and staff have access to Preview: Academic Integrity @NAU for Students. Please start with a thorough reading of NAU’s Academic Integrity policy and then read through the processes and procedures. Self-enroll in the Preview module, the student model for an active review of the policy information.

Hearing and processes

The University Academic Integrity Hearing Board has developed formal processes and procedures to accompany the official NAU policy. All Hearing Board members must be familiar with these processes and procedures in order to carry out their charge in a knowledgeable, fair, and equitable manner.

Reporting form

Download to complete the form. Handwritten forms are not accepted.
