Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Save the date for the inaugural University Convocation for AY22-23

Dear Lumberjacks,

I hope that all of you—our faculty and staff—have had an opportunity this summer to rest, reflect, and refresh in preparation for what I know will be a great academic year ahead. In my own reflections, I want you to know that I am honored and humbled to have such a dedicated team, committed to equitable postsecondary value. You made my first year at NAU a most memorable one, and I thank you, one and all!

Together, we have achieved so much and have reason to celebrate the foundation on which we will build this year. We collectively crafted a bold new strategic vision in NAU 2025 – Elevating Excellence; launched transformative initiatives that focus on access and success, like Access2Excellence and the Admissions Pilot; doubled down on our commitment to the people who dedicate themselves to NAU through the New NAU Workplace and other initiatives and investments in our people; and worked collaboratively to make our NAU community a home for our students and ourselves of which we can all be proud.

It is no surprise, then, that our work has been recognized by a broad community of supporters—internal and external—as demonstrated by unprecedented investments from ABOR and the NAU Foundation, a state budget that puts us on firm footing for the year ahead, and record philanthropic support that highlights the clarity and impact of our vision.

As we set the stage to welcome our students back and engage in another bold and ambitious agenda for academic year 2022-23, it is timely and important to come together as a community of faculty and staff for a university convocation that reviews what we have achieved and paves the vision for the road ahead.

It is my pleasure to invite you to join me at 8:30 a.m on Monday, August 22—at High Country Conference Center or via live stream—for a celebratory gathering and university address, my inaugural University Convocation.

Please see the invitation below, and I hope to see you in two weeks to kick off a bold and boundless academic year.


José Luis Cruz Rivera