Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Presidential Installation Events

Dear Lumberjacks,

It is my distinct honor to welcome you to our official Installation Week at NAU! Beginning today and culminating on Friday afternoon, we will be celebrating a year of our 17th presidency, a year of incredible accomplishments together, and a look ahead to the bold and boundless future before us.

I want to highlight the key events taking place and give a preview of what to expect. I hope to see you on campus—or welcome you via livestream—throughout the week ahead.

President’s Speaker Series, Featuring Dr. Arturo Massol-Deyá
TODAY at 6 p.m.; reserve your ticket or watch the livestream.

As I shared on Friday, I am excited to welcome Dr. Massol-Deyá to campus as our inaugural President’s Speaker. His talk, Building Energy Democracy, could not be more timely in the wake of Hurricane Fiona, which so recently struck Puerto Rico, and I eagerly look forward to his expertise and reflections on how we can build a more sustainable and just future for all. I encourage you to read more about Dr. Massol-Deyá, and I hope to see you at the event this evening.

Presidential Installation Ceremony

At the official Installation ceremony on Friday, we will join in a reflection and celebration of all that we have accomplished together, culminating in the formal presentation of the Presidential Medallion by the Arizona Board of Regents. You can read more about the ceremonial purpose of the event on the Installation website.

I am pleased to share that we will be welcoming Regents Distinguished President of Arizona State University, Dr. Michael M. Crow, as the keynote speaker at the ceremony. Dr. Crow has been a tremendous colleague during my time here in Arizona and is a higher education leader at the forefront of innovation. In addition, it is fitting to have Dr. Crow provide remarks—as the architect of the New American University, ASU —on this occasion as we look forward to the potential of the New NAU and the tenets that will secure its sustained excellence, growth, and success.

On this momentous occasion and milestone in my time here at NAU, I am humbled and thankful for the support and partnership of our Lumberjack community. Together, you have made a bold vision possible through the power of intentional and collective action in service of this great university and the students and communities we serve. Meeting the talent and aspirations of the people of Arizona and beyond with the opportunity, access, and excellence of the New NAU.

I look forward to seeing you this week and to the great work ahead.

In partnership,

José Luis Cruz Rivera