Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

NAU support for those affected by the Tunnel Fire

Dear Lumberjacks,

In the past several days, most of us have followed the relentless burning of the Tunnel Fire with great interest and much concern, standing by ready to help and jumping in to do so when called upon. In the last 24 hours alone, I’ve had direct conversations with three members of our university community whose lives have been deeply affected by the fire and have learned of many others who are living minute-by-minute in fear of what may be in store for them and their loved ones. As we head into the weekend, I want to call all Lumberjacks to action.

Helping Lumberjacks in need:

  • If you or a fellow Lumberjack need immediate assistance with housing, meals, or emergency funds, please reply to this message or email with this information. My leadership team is on standby, and have the support of Provost Karen Pugliesi (faculty), Vice President Josh Mackey (staff), and Vice President Margot Saltonstall (students) to respond and do what we can to help.
  • This morning, on behalf of the NAU family and to help those with greatest need, I have authorized a $25,000 donation to the United Way of Northern Arizona Crisis Fund and $25,000 to the Lumberjack Emergency Assistance Fund—both from the President’s Discretionary Community Engagement Fund.

How you can help:

  • If you are in a position to do so, please donate to support those impacted by the fire—including those within our NAU community:
  • Donate to the United Way of Northern Arizona Crisis Fund by texting UWNAZresponse to 41444 or through the UNWA website.
  • Visit the Coconino County website to donate funds or items to the Salvation Army for those in need.

We stand ready to help those in need and send our thanks and appreciation to first responders and the team at Coconino County responding on the front lines of the fire.

Anyone experiencing mental or emotional distress can contact EAW at or (928) 523-1552 for assistance.

Our community of care is strong—and it’s times like these that require us to come together to support each other.

In solidarity,

José Luis Cruz Rivera