Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)

Launching the Arizona Attainment Alliance

Dear Lumberjacks,

Over the last year, our NAU community has come together to define a shared vision and chart a clear path forward for the future of this great university.

In NAU 2025 – Elevating Excellence, we have articulated a roadmap guided by the vision of driving economic mobility and social impact for the students and communities we serve, and we have implemented bold initiatives to ensure that talented students throughout the state are met with the opportunity to pursue a high-quality, affordable, and accessible higher education.

As we prepare to celebrate our achievements and gather for the Presidential Installation tomorrow afternoon, I am pleased to announce the next phase of our collective work to make NAU the leading engine of opportunity for our state—the launch of the Arizona Attainment Alliance (A++).

The Arizona Attainment Alliance (A++)

Comprised of NAU, the state’s 10 community college districts, and the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA), A++ is a unique partnership that aims to harness the collective impact of distinct institutions based on a shared desire to dramatically boost Arizona’s postsecondary attainment rate.  A++ represents a new kind of student-centered postsecondary ecosystem, one based on collaboration across shared interests and priorities, and the optimization of complementary assets in service of Arizonans.

The imperative for this new endeavor is clear: the state’s economy is booming, and job growth is abundant, but educational attainment is lagging in Arizona. As such, the tremendous opportunities for economic mobility before us are set to be missed by countless Arizonans—unless we can spur more college attendance and completion that will allow the people of our state to take full advantage of the opportunities that exist right here at home.

The work of A++ will start this fall with an exploratory commission composed of representatives from NAU and the following community college districts, which have a footprint that spans all 15 of Arizona counties and collectively enroll more than 322,000 students.

  • Arizona Western College
  • Central Arizona College
  • Cochise College
  • Coconino Community College
  • Eastern Arizona College
  • Maricopa Community Colleges
  • Mohave Community College
  • Northland Pioneer College
  • Pima Community College
  • Yavapai College

A key partner in this endeavor will be the Arizona Commerce Authority, which will connect workforce development opportunities with new and existing employers directly to A++ member institutions, ensuring scale and timeliness of impact in meeting the state’s workforce needs.

The work ahead

During the initial phase under the direction of Dr. Jonathan Gagliardi, Vice President for Economic Mobility and Social Impact (EMSI), A++ partners will explore how, together, an alliance of independent and complementary colleges and universities can serve as the catalyst for step-change gains in statewide educational attainment and economic transformation.

Funded with one-time TRIF funds dedicated to access and workforce development, A++ partners will develop a roadmap of actions to boost the college-going rate of the state’s high school graduates, serve a growing proportion of adults with some college but no degree, exceed expected progression and graduation rates, and increase the postgraduate value of the high-quality credentials our students earn.

The opportunity this partnership affords—to collaborate and scale impact across institutions—is tremendous and represents a paradigm shift in the way we can deliver equitable postsecondary value to students throughout the state. The inspiring and innovative work of the NAU community, known nationally for its commitment to student success, will serve as the foundation upon which the collective impact of A++ partners will be amplified.

I encourage you to read our full press release with more information and comments from state and national leaders in support of this effort.

On this occasion of celebration for our entire university community, I am thrilled to share this next step of our work together. I am deeply appreciative the partnership and collaboration of our A++ partner institutions, the Arizona Board of Regents, the Arizona Commerce Authority, and you, our dedicated NAU community, in contributing to the hard and important work ahead.

I look forward to this exciting opportunity to work with a diverse group of statewide partners on behalf of the people, communities, and economy of Arizona.

In partnership,

José Luis Cruz Rivera