Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
A new student standing with her family on campus.

Special circumstances

Reconsideration or re-evaluation

If you feel the financial aid package you received or your eligibility for certain aid is not reflective of your actual situation, you can (and should) request a “reconsideration” of your aid package or a “re-evaluation” of your aid eligibility.

Reasons for these discrepancies could include, but are not limited to:

Change in financial circumstances

Students or parents might have experienced a recent loss of income, so their financial situation is no longer accurately reflected on the FAFSA they filled out.

Dependency status

Under certain situations, such as a student who has no communication with their parents or who has left home due to an abusive situation, a student may petition their FAFSA dependency status to change it to “independent.”

We understand there are other circumstances that could result in your aid package or eligibility not accurately reflecting your situation. We want to help with that.

If you want to request a reconsideration or re-evaluation, or if you have any doubts or questions about whether your situation might make you eligible for them, get in touch with us and make an appointment with an advisor.