Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Students outdoors in Belize looking through binoculars.

Study abroad financial aid

You’ve got aid options when studying abroad

Most financial aid at NAU still applies for students studying abroad. As long as your program is approved for credit by NAU, you will be considered “enrolled” at NAU for financial aid purposes.

Next steps

If you’re planning to study abroad, take the following steps to better understand how your aid (or new aid opportunities) might apply:

  1. If you haven’t already, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using NAU school code 001082.
  2. Contact your Education Abroad advisor to review your program and complete a Study Abroad Financial Aid Information Sheet. We encourage students to invite their family to this conversation.
  3. The Education Abroad advisor will then send the Information Sheet to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) for completion.
  4. Once the form is completed, OSFA will send the form directly to you. Let us know if you have any questions about your completed sheet.

How do my financial aid options apply to different programs?

NAU tuition scholarships can only be used during the fall and spring semesters for Education Abroad programs that charge tuition directly through NAU. 

NAU faculty-led study abroad

NAU tuition scholarships and the NAU Employee Tuition Reduction Program (e-TRP) do not apply to faculty-led study abroad. Private and/or tribal scholarships might apply. Contact your scholarship donor and/or tribal agency to see if their funding can be used for these programs.

Private provider programs (such as ISEP-Direct and USAC)

Federal and state financial aid is accepted if you enroll in at least 6 credits. NAU Tuition scholarships and the NAU Employee Tuition Reduction Program (e-TRP) do not apply. Private and/or tribal scholarships might apply. Contact your donor and/or tribal agency to see if their funding can be used for these programs.

Maintaining your financial aid eligibility when studying abroad

When you study abroad, it’s crucial you submit your transcripts from your college abroad in a timely manner to avoid losing your financial aid.

Term you studied abroad inTerm your transcripts are due
Academic yearSummer

Tips for optimizing your experience

To maximize your financial aid when studying abroad, be sure you:

  • Meet with an Education Abroad advisor at the Center for International Education to plan your studies
  • Sign up for Direct Deposit to access your financial aid refund anywhere in the world
  • Complete the FERPA Release Form giving your parent/guardian access to your NAU financial information while you are away
  • Monitor your NAU email while away
  • Confirm your mailing address because we do not send mail internationally
  • Understand that financial aid and scholarships will not disburse until 10 days prior to the first day of NAU instruction or 10 days prior to the first day of instruction for your Study Abroad Program
  • Understand that your financial aid might not be available for up-front travel and deposit expenses due to the disbursement timeline

Visa Letters for Education Abroad programs

Students who request Visa Letters for their Education Abroad program must have the following information available and completed at the time the Visa Letter is requested:

  1. Loans must be accepted by the student in LOUIE if the student plans on utilizing them to pay for their Education Abroad program.
  2. A student’s personal contributions will not be included in the Visa Letter. The Education Abroad office is responsible for assisting the student with personal contributions.
  3. Visa Award letters will be completed with the financial aid that the student was awarded at the time the Visa letter is requested. Estimated financial aid amounts are not given.
  4. Private donor scholarships awarded will not be included in Visa Award Letters, unless the student submits a copy of their private donor scholarship award letter with their Visa letter request. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid does not have copies of a student’s private donor award letter and therefore does not have information available as to whether the private scholarship donor will allow the scholarship to be utilized for Education Abroad programs.

    The only exception is scholarships that are specific to Education Abroad, but the award must be listed on the student’s awards at the time the Visa Letter is completed. Once the Visa Award letter is completed, it will not be modified if students decide to accept their loans or receive other aid that was not awarded at the time the initial letter is completed.

Cost of attendance (COA) and studying abroad

A student’s COA for their Education Abroad program is listed on the Education Abroad Financial Aid Information Sheet, which is completed by the Education Abroad advisor. If a student’s Education Abroad COA is less than the COA calculated for the student to be enrolled in courses at NAU, the student’s COA will be decreased, which can affect the student’s overall financial aid awards by resulting in a reduction of aid or removal of aid since financial aid cannot exceed the student’s COA.

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