Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Wires that are connected to a computer.

Using Search Engines to Generate Cryptographic Keys from Erratic Physical Unclonable Functions


Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) can be used to generate cryptographic keys; however, powerful error-correcting codes (ECCs) are needed to handle the differences between initial and later PUF responses due to aging and environmentally-induced drifts. This method replaces the ECC with a search engine such as response-based cryptography.

Additional information

Patent number and inventor

Patent pending

Bertrand Cambou, Sareh Assiri, and Christopher Philabaum.

Potential applications

This search-based method is applicable to the following cryptographic protocols: i) session key recovery from client devices; ii) session key recovery driven from a server; and iii) secret key generation driven by a server.

Benefits and advantages

The purpose of this new method is to find the original keys rather than attempting to correct the erratic keys generated on demand from the PUF, has been experimentally validated, and demonstrates that 256-bit long streams can be generated from PUFs with bit error rates as high as 20 percent.

Case number and licensing status


This invention is available for licensing.