An Exciting NEW Event Focused on Disability Resources for People Living in Northern Arizona!
October 5, 2024, 10am – 2pm
High Country Conference Center
201 W. Butler Ave, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Learn about, and connect with, Northern Arizona’s diverse disability community. Join individuals with disabilities of all ages, their families, and caregivers, and get to know local service providers and disability organizations!
- Over 30 exhibitors representing a wide range of local disability resources and supports
- FREE Admission
- FREE Parking
- Refreshments, Entertainment & Door Prizes
Visit our wide array of exhibitors
Click on an exhibitor to learn more.
ARIZONA ACHIEVE – On a mission to grow self-advocacy Accordion Closed
Arizona Achieve is a cross-disability statewide coalition that supports self-advocacy for individuals with disabilities, providing support services to help individuals find their voices, tell their stories, and advocate for change.
ARIZONA’S DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES (DDD) – Arizona’s service system with a mission to empower individuals with developmental disabilities Accordion Closed
Serving over 40,000 people with developmental disabilities and their families throughout Arizona, DDD provides supports and services that help enable individuals with opportunities to exercise their rights and responsibilities of independent decision-making and engagement in the community.
ARIZONA DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING COUNCIL (ADDPC) – Focused on advocacy, inclusion, and improving access and services Accordion Closed
Developing and supporting capacity building and systemic change to increase inclusion and involvement of people with developmental disabilities in their communities through the promotion of self-determination, independence and dignity in all aspects of life.
ARIZONA REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (RSA) – Recognizing abilities, creating opportunities! Accordion Closed
Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) helps individuals with disabilities achieve their goals for employment and independence. RSA has been a co-sponsor of this conference for the past 25 years!
ARIZONA TECHNOLOGY ACCESS PROGRAM (AzTAP) – Arizona’s Assistive Technology Act program Accordion Closed
Supporting Independence with Assistive Technology!
AZ HEALTH CARE COST CONTAINMENT SYSTEM (AHCCCS) – ALTCS System – Arizona’s Medicaid agency ‘s long term care system Accordion Closed
The Arizona Long Term Care System (ALTCS) is health insurance for individuals who have an age related or physical disability and require nursing facility level of care. Services may be provided in an institution, in a home, or in a community-based setting.
BASIS FLAGSTAFF – highlighting adaptive fitness classes with Coach Marty! Accordion Closed
BASIS Flagstaff is a tuition-free public charter school serving grades K–12. Physical education teacher Marty Heilman is well-known in the community, serving as an adaptive movement coach.
BEHAVIORAL CONSULTATION SERVICES – Flagstaff-based behavioral care services from intermountain centers Accordion Closed
Behavioral Consultation Services provides mental health, autism, and applied behaviors analysis services to the community. They are part of Intermountain Centers, an organization that has been serving Arizona communities since 1973, providing innovative primary care and behavioral health programs and services.
CARE 4 THE CAREGIVERS – Created by caregivers for caregivers Accordion Closed
Care 4 the Caregivers offers an informational space, an empowering environment, and programs and services that help families thrive.
COCONINO ELECTIONS – Your vote counts! Accordion Closed
Ensuring safe, secure and transparent elections for all Coconino County Voters, including having ADA accessible voting devices. One of these will be demonstrated at the Norther Arizona Disability Resource Fair.
COYOTES SLED HOCKEY – On a mission to demonstrate that hockey is truly for everyone, regardless of disability or economic situation Accordion Closed
Our objective is to promote the sport of sled hockey in the state of Arizona and to serve the community and our athletes, primarily those with disabilities.
COMMISSION ON INCLUSION AND ADAPTIVE LIVING (COF) – A City of Flagstaff commission focused on serving the local disability community Accordion Closed
Consisting of seven citizens, the Commission’s goas are to expand educational opportunities, improve access to housing, buildings and transportation, encourage employment, expand rehabilitation capacity, and ensure greater participation in recreational, social and cultural activities.
DIVERSE ABILITY INCORPORATED – Proudly facilitating youth leadership initiatives Accordion Closed
Diverse Ability Incorporated’s mission is to create, promote, and model, access, equity, inclusion, and brave spaces that celebrate diversity, infuse representation, and foster wellness within individuals, communities, and systems.
DOWN SYNDROME NETWORK ARIZONA (DSNETWORK) – Offering an array of programs to serve the Down syndrome community Accordion Closed
DSNetwork has been supporting people touched by Down syndrome since 2002, ensuring that all individuals with Down syndrome – across all ages – have the opportunity to fully participate in society.
Prize: picnic blanket and chair
ELEVATED CARE AZ – Attendant care, habilitation, and respite services delivered by a team of support professionals Accordion Closed
With over 15 years in the disability field in Arizona, Elevated Care AZ focuses on making the maximum impact for the community and advocates for families and providers.
Prize: Flagstaff Gift Cards
HIGH COUNTRY ADAPTIVE SPORTS – Enriching lives through adaptive recreation Accordion Closed
With the belief that everyone can benefit from outdoor recreation, High Country Adaptive Sports guides all athletes, regarding of physical or cognitive challenges, in hiking, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, and snow sports.
Prize: 3 full-ride scholarships for an adaptive ski lesson
HOZHONI FOUNDATION – Providing residential, vocational, and educational services for people with intellectual / developmental disabilities in Northern AZ Accordion Closed
For over 50 years, Hozhoni Foundation has been a leading non-profit provider of services and advocacy for people with developmental, intellectual, and physical disabilities in Northern Arizona, providing Residential, Vocational, and Educational services to help individuals reach their maximum potential.
INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (IHD) AT NAU – Improving access, attitudes and inclusion for over 50 years Accordion Closed
Promoting full inclusion by advancing attitudes that value persons with disabilities and enhancing access to all aspects of the human experience.
Prize: IHD goodies and swag
LOU CORPORATION – Residential services and day treatment for adults with developmental disabilities Accordion Closed
Since 1989, LOU Corporation has been providing exceptional support and services for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
MERCY CARE – Managed care for people who qualify for AHCCCS benefits Accordion Closed
A local not-for-profit managed care organization that provides healthcare coverage for people who qualify for Arizona Medicaid (AHCCS) benefits. Offers both Mercy Care and Mercy Care Advantage plans.
METROPLAN – Facilitating improvements and programs for all transportation modes through collaborative priority setting, planning, and strategic pursuit of funding Accordion Closed
MetroPlan’s vision is that the region is joined together by a transportation system that prioritizes the wellbeing of people and the environment.
MOUNTAIN LINE TRANSIT – Getting you where you want to go! Accordion Closed
Mountain Line is the transit agency in northern Arizona operating fixed route bus service on nine routes, paratransit service, vanpool, and seasonal Mountain Express service to Arizona Snowbowl.
NAH CHILDREN’S HEALTH CENTER – Comprehensive pediatric health care Accordion Closed
Northern Arizona Healthcare Children’s Health Center offers pediatric programs including children’s rehabilitative services and a broad spectrum of specialty clinics.
NAU IHD AAC EVALUATION AND TRAINING PROGRAM – providing comprehensive AAC evaluations to children and adults with complex communication needs Accordion Closed
A program of the Institute for Human Development (IHD) at Northern Arizona University for over 20 years, our AAC evaluations and trainings are performed by experience teams both in-person and, when appropriate, remotely.
NEW TECH MOBILITY – Unique mobility solutions Accordion Closed
A Phoenix, AZ based personal mobility company that provides unique, user-friendly mobility devices to help individuals to NOT give up but, instead … GET OUT!
Prize: 2 HandiCups
NORTH COUNTRY HEALTHCARE – The primary community health center in the area Accordion Closed
A federally qualified community health center that provides high-quality, comprehensive medical services in 11 communities throughout Northern Arizona, including primary care offices in medically underserved rural areas.
NORTHLAND-RURAL THERAPY ASSOCIATES (NRTA) – Pediatric physical, occupational and speech therapy and early intervention throughout Northern AZ Accordion Closed
A family owned company and longstanding organization of highly trained and experienced physical, occupational and speech therapists employing modern methods & creative solutions for helping kids progress in their development. Services are offered in a variety of settings: in clinic, homes, and schools.
ODYSSEY SERVICES CORP – Serving individuals with diverse needs and unique abilities Accordion Closed
Empowering individuals to lead self-determined and dignified lives through efficient and effective services.
Prize: Goodie basket
PRC-SALTILLO – An industry leader offering AAC solutions including speech-generating devices, apps, and language systems Accordion Closed
A worldwide developer of speech-generating devices (SGDs), market-leading apps, and several innovative AAC language systems that enable individuals with complex communication disorders the ability to express themselves.
QUALITY CONNECTIONS – Empowering people is good for the community Accordion Closed
Quality Connections, a nonprofit organization based in Flagstaff, Arizona devoted to helping individuals with disabilities become independent, productive members of our community by providing them with employment opportunities, job training, and practical life learning programs.
RAISING SPECIAL KIDS – Help and hope for families Accordion Closed
Focused on improving the lives of children (0-26 years) with the full range of disabilities by providing support services so families can become effective advocates for their children.
THE ARC OF ARIZONA – Advocating for rights and full community participation of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities Accordion Closed
A non-profit agency, the Arc of Arizona works with its 1000+ members and 11 affiliated chapters to improve systems of supports and services, connect families, inspire communication and influence public policy.
Prize: Tickets to the Sprout Film Festival
TOBII DYNAVOX – Assistive technology for communication: apps, speech generating devices and eye trackers Accordion Closed
Specializing in assistive technology for communication – Communication apps, speech generating devices and eye trackers for people with disabilities.
Prize: Tobii Dynavox basket
Network and have fun!
NETWORK Accordion Closed
Connect with individuals with disabilities of all ages and other families and caregivers who live in northern Arizona
HAVE FUN Accordion Closed
participate in inclusive activities and informative demonstrations:
- adaptive video gaming
- bingo card
- hands-on “make & take” activities
- real-time captioning (CART) demonstrations
- sticker mania
RAFFLE PRIZES Accordion Closed
All attendees will receive tickets to prizes when they check in. Raffle drawings will be held on the hour starting at 11am.
Participants must be present to win.
Light refreshments will be served throughout the event.
Registration is not required; however, by letting us know you are coming you are helping ensure that we have sufficient refreshments, supplies, and reasonable accommodations so that everyone can have a great experience. Use the button at the top of the page or click on the link below. Thank You!
Let us know you are coming!
Exhibitor Slots Have SOLD OUT, But You Can Still Become a Sponsor!
Our exhibit hall will feature 30+ organizations, agencies, and service providers, that specifically serve and provide supports and resources for those living in Northern Arizona.
Exhibitor Information Accordion Closed
Exhibitor Registration is now CLOSED!
Thank you to those who will be exhibiting at the Fair.
Sponsor Information Accordion Closed
Sponsorships will support reasonable accommodations, refreshment stations, and additional activities & fun.
Sponsorship Package
Cost: $500
- Package Includes:
- An Exhibit Table (with 2 chairs)
- Recognition on the conference website
- Recognition on promotional materials and email blasts
- Recognition of conference literature/ materials distributed to all attendees
- On-site signage at reasonable accommodations station and refreshment table.
This community event is being presented by the Institute for Human Development and Care 4 the Caregivers in collaboration with:
- High Country Adaptive Sports
- Flagstaff Unified School District
- United Way of Northern Arizona
Questions? Contact us at