ON THIS PAGE Request info ON THIS PAGERequest info HOW CAN WE HELP? 928-523-1701 shrm@nau.edu NAU>Franke>HRM>Hotel and Restaurant Management Experiential Learning>Internships and work hours>Credit applicationCredit application SHRM Internship Application Name * Required First Last NAU ID: * Required Major: * RequiredHRMIHMYear in college: * RequiredFreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorAttending campus: * RequiredFlagstaffSCCPCCOnlineSemester of Internship:FallSpringSummerYear of Internship: * Required Internship course: * RequiredHA208 (Freshman/Sophomore)HA408 (Junior/Senior)Number of credits: * RequiredThree (3)Six (6)Nine (9)Twelve (12)NAU Email: * Required Cell number: Property/Restaurant: Company: Address: Phone number: Supervisor: Start date: End date: Hours of work per week: Rate of pay: GPA: Verified by: Application in student's curriculum program (check all that apply):HRM Advisor Approved ElectivesIHM required 6-credit InternshipGeneral ElectivesApplication in student's curriculum program (check all that apply): HRM Advisor Approved Electives IHM required 6-credit Internship General Electives As part of certificate program Comments:EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.