About the program
The Northern Arizona University MBA program is proud to partner with the Peace Corps by participating in the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Program. Competitively selected Coverdell Fellows undertake service internships in high-need American communities and receive financial aid while working toward their graduate degrees. Returned Peace Corps Volunteers may apply to enroll in a Coverdell Fellowship at NAU at any time after successfully completing Peace Corps service. The NAU application fee for the MBA program is waived for all RPCV’s.
“I was attracted to the NAU MBA program for the opportunity to rapidly gain business fundamentals and realign my skills to pivot to a post-Peace Corps career. The one-year, accelerated program with NAU’s Franke College of Business has done just that by teaching me key skills that will be vital to any career I pursue after graduation. Additionally, The Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship has been instrumental in helping me to study at NAU without the costs that I would otherwise face as a student from outside of the Western States Region. The Fellowship has been vital for me to attend NAU and to pursue a one-year MBA that leaves me well prepared for my next challenges.” Michael Deloge, RPCV- Cartagena, Colombia, 2011-2014; Tbilisi, Georgia, 2014. MBA Class of 2016.