Instructional Leadership, emphasis: K-12 School Leadership (MEd)
Two students, talking inside The W A Franke Colege of Business building.

Support Services, located in Room 229 in The W. A Franke College of Business, is here to provide ancillary services to our faculty, staff, and students. Our robust services make many of the tasks that would otherwise need to be sought outside our doors readily available. Our friendly smiles just make it all the more enjoyable!

General hours

M-Th: 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

F: 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Summer session(s) hours

M-F: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Location: Room 229

Support Services has a self-serve machine for faculty and staff (located in Support Services) as well as a coin-operated machine for students (located in the hall outside Room 229). We also provide a full service copy center. To submit work for copy, simply fill out a request form. There are three kinds of request forms to facilitate your order.

A work request is submitted for syllabi, handouts, research, etc. You can use the new online Work Request form to request service via email!

A packet request is used for Instructor notes, Homework packets, etc. These are submitted before the semester begins and are to be purchased by students within the Support Services office.

An exam request accompanies exam materials. To ensure security, exams must be delivered to Support Services or e-mailed directly to Please call to confirm the receipt, 928-523-7349. Exam materials are logged in and out and securely locked when not being copied or proofed.

N A U student talks to a mentor in a computer lab.

Support Services offers several options to improve the presentation of your work. A variety of copy paper colors are available as well as pre-punched 3-hole white paper. We also carry transparencies. Any job can be bound with a comb. The covers can be cardstock, vinyl, or linen. For assistance in enhancing your presentations, please ask a Support Services staff member.

Request turnaround

Copy requests are completed as follows, but are contingent upon current work load and time of year. Note: Exams take priority over other projects. *24 hour notice is preferred.*

Small projects: 300 completed pages or less, ready-to-run. Same day to next day service.

Medium projects: 300 to 1,000 completed pages, ready-to-run. Next day to 2-day service.

Large projects: over 1,000 completed pages, including binding, word processing, and bulk mailings.  3 to 10 day service, depending on time of year.

Binding: Any size. 3 day service.

For your convenience a listing of our general inventory is provided below. If there is an item you require that is not listed, please email or visit room 229 for purchase requesting. Most of these items are available for sale to FCB students at a reasonable cost.

NAU stationary

  • Envelopes (letter and business reply)
  • Envelopes-Special invitation
  • Letterhead (24 pound)


  • (5×8, 10×13, 12×15)
  • Letter
  • Letter-Small
  • Padded


  • Index cards-Ruled (5×8, 4×6, 3×5)
  • Pads-Legal (white and yellow)
  • Post-its (small, medium, large)

Writing utensils

  • Highlighters (various colors)
  • Markers (black, green, red, etc.)
  • Pens-Permanent (green, blue, black, red)
  • Pens-White board
  • Pencils

File cabinet supplies

  • File Folders (colored and manila)
  • Hanging folders
  • Labels-Dot Coding (various colors)
  • Labels-File folder (various colors)
  • Labels-NAU mailing
  • Tabs (colored and clear)


  • Hammers
  • Nails
  • Screwdrivers
  • Tape measure

General desk supplies

  • Batteries
  • Clips-Binder (small, medium, and large)
  • Clips-Paper (large and small)/dispensers
  • Glue (Elmers, glue stick, Krazy, rubber cement)
  • Letter Openers
  • Liquid Tape
  • Paper puncher
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • Rubber bands (various sizes)
  • Rulers
  • Scissors
  • Flip chart
  • Stapler/Staples
  • Tape (masking, double-sided, duct, mailing, standard, electrical)
  • Tape containers
  • Thumb tacks/ push pins

Cartridges & toners

  • All printers

3-Ring binders

  • Various sizes and colors
  • Dividers (5 and 8, clear and colored)

Binding supplies

  • Spiral combs (various colors and sizes)
  • Spiral covers (various colors)
  • Surebind (various colors)

Copy supplies

  • Paper-Cardstock (various colors)
  • Paper-Copy (various colors)
  • Paper-Résumé (textured)
N A U student opens his assigned mailbox.

NAU Mail (incoming and outgoing) is scheduled once daily by the University postal services. For your convenience, there is a mail slot on the Mailbox System (Room 229) for after hours drop off.

NAU Postal Services is scheduled to pick-up and deliver mail between 11:30 – 12:00 PM. Please bring your outgoing mail to Support Services by 11:00 AM for same day pick up.

Any mail brought to Support Services after mail pick up will go out the next morning.

Stamped personal mail is acceptable.

Support Services carries NAU-FCB mailing labels; just complete label with your area org on the return address.
To properly address mail to Faculty and Staff:
[First Name] [Last Name] Department Name
Department’s PO Box To Properly address mail for U.S. Postal Service:

Capitalize everything using plain block letters or sans serif typeface. Helvetica, Courier new, OCR, Arial, and Franklin Gothic are all acceptable fonts. Omit all punctuation except the hyphen in the zip+4 code. Use abbreviations whenever possible. Clear spaces are needed between words and lines. These steps not only improve the speed and accuracy of delivery but help the college save money on postage.


Support Services has a Scantron grading machine for your convenience. Please submit the Scantron test form.

Multiple choice questions are from A to E. We can process multiple versions. Please instruct the students to indicate which version they are completing using the Special Codes section.

In addition, we can process multiple values assigned to each range of questions. There are several reports available for grading. Please consult the Support Services staff for the one that best suits your needs.

Résumé Printing: Résumé printing is available at 5 copies for $1. We provide both white and ivory résumé paper, along with color or B&W printing

There are student labs and printers located on most floors of the Building. If you are having any issues with these printers, please see our office for assistance. We also provide copying and printing services for Projects and special requests, including lamination, binding, legal-size paper, and more. Please see the Items and Services section for pricing.

The Support Services office, room 229, is the hub of all lost and found for the building. We hold your items for 2 weeks after receiving them before they are turned over to NAUPD.

Calculators and Laptops are available to checkout for exams or class. Please have your NAU ID or Driver’s License to check these out.

Laptop Carts are available for checkout when necessary in classes for exams or special projects. There are 3 different carts, two that hold 16 laptops and one that holds 30. You can reserve laptop carts as far out as you know when they will be needed. To reserve a cart, email

Webcams and Presentation Clickers can be checked out to faculty for short-term or long-term use. Please see the Support Services office, room 229, for more information or to check one out.

There are several Calculator Bins that can be checked out by faculty for students. They are first-come-first-serve, however, you can retrieve the bin as far out as a day in advance to ensure you have what you need.

Support Services staff are available for some word processing projects related to coursework as well as mailings for the college. This includes stuffing envelopes in preparation for the mailing. Just ask us for more details.

  • Clean & fill copiers
  • Clean & stock labs
  • Receive shipments
  • Bulk mail
  • Clean white boards
  • Stock paper supplies at Faculty Printers
  • Student Name Tags
  • Shredding
  • Event Support

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