One of the hallmarks of a university is the contribution faculty make through intellectual contributions: from testing new applications of theories and developing new models for teaching and learning to evaluating behavior in the workplace or environment and exploring how global events or decisions impact our world. The intellectual work of the faculty brings cutting edge discussions to our classrooms and prepares our students for the ever-evolving business world. Just a few recent examples of faculty publications:
- Management professors Susan Williams and Chris Scherpereel collaborated with Lecturer Scott Hoefle and retired faculty member Will Ott to publish “Course Design Process to Create a Coordinated, Integrated, Experiential Core Operations Management Course for Business Majors” in Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education.
- Professor T.S. Amer (Accounting) and Senior Lecturer Todd Johnson (Information Systems Management) received an acceptance of their paper, ““The Perceived Hazard of Sound Scheme and Desktop Theme Auditory Elements – Experimental Results and Implications for Adaptable User-Interface Design” which will be published in Volume 17, Issue 1 of the International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction.
- Associate Professor Ding Du (Finance) and Professor Talai Osmonbekov (Marketing) published their article entitled, “Direct effect of advertising spending on firm value: Moderating role of financial analyst coverage,” in the International Journal of Research in Marketing in July 2019.
- Associate Professor Julie Mueller (Economics) published an article with Professor Abraham Springer (NAU’s School of Earth and Sustainability) and graduate student Adrienne Soder entitled, “Valuing attributes of forest restoration in a semi-arid watershed,” in Landscape and Urban Planning in April 2019.
- Assistant Professor Jeremy Brees (Management) published an article with several colleagues entitled, “Perceived organizational obstruction: A mediator that addresses source-target misalignment between abusive supervision and OCBs,” in the Journal of Organizational Behavior in December 2018. He also has had a co-authored paper entitled, “An exploration of the role of subordinate affect in leader evaluations” accepted by the Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Associate Professor Eric Yordy (Accounting) and Assistant Professor of Practice Amy Criddle (Accounting) published their article entitled, “Climbing Bloom’s Ladder with the Confidential Settlement,” in the Journal of Legal Studies Education in August 2018.
- Professor Xiaobing Zhao (Economics) and Professor Emeritus Mason Gerety (Finance) published their article, “Revisiting the temperature-economic growth relationship using global subnational data,” with a colleague from ASU in the Journal of Environmental Management in October, 2018.
- Professor Pin Ng (Economics) and Associate Professor Ding Du (Finance) published their article entitled, The impact of climate change on tourism economies of Greece, Spain, and Turkey,” in Environmental Economics and Policy Studies in April 2018.
Working Paper Series
The FCB Working Paper series is a collection of papers submitted by faculty prior to publication in a journal or other academic outlet. This is just a small sampling of papers submitted by our faculty over the past few years.
WPS 17-01: Banner Advertisement Placement on Desktop Computers and Smartphones
WPS 15-03: Synergizing education: Supplemental Instruction in a blended learning context
WPS 15-02: Investor Sentiment and Oil Prices
WPS 15-01: The Impact of Inequity, Relationship-Technology Fit, and Trust on Conflict
WPS 14-05: Macroeconomic Announcements and Foreign Exchange Risk
WPS 14-02: The Long-Run Component of Foreign Exchange Volatility and Stock Returns