A collaborative approach to higher education
In partnership with the Helios Education Foundation, AZ Ahead is a unique collaboration between NAU and northern Arizona colleges that will advance postsecondary educational attainment in Arizona by increasing college retention, persistence, and baccalaureate degree completion rates of students. We are fostering a comprehensive effort to support community college students with direct scholarship funding and services to help students persist and graduate from community colleges and ultimately transfer to NAU.
AZ Ahead partner institutions currently include Coconino Community College, Mohave Community College, and Northland Pioneer College.
About AZ Ahead

What AZ Ahead offers:
- Student financial support
- Mentoring and academic planning
- Life skills workshops and social activities
- Individualized academic support
- Comprehensive academic advising across educational institutions
- Career development and planning services
- Transitional and career mentorship
- Family engagement opportunities

AZ Ahead Eligibility Requirements
- Recent high school, online, home-schooled, or GED graduate of 2024.
- “First Time, Full Time” enrolled in a certificate or associate degree program at a participating community college, enrolled in 12 credits or more
- Interest in transferring to NAU
- Resident of Mohave, Coconino, Navajo, or Apache counties.
- High school GPA of 2.0.
- Completed FAFSA