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Meet our team!Undergraduate program
NAU’s Center for Science Teaching & Learning and NAUTeach program
The NAUTeach program at Northern Arizona University is a collaborative program within multiple departments of the College of the Environment, Forestry and Natural Sciences. NAUTeach is designed for students with strong skills in mathematics or science seeking certification to teach biology, chemistry, physics, Earth sciences, general science, or mathematics at the secondary-school level. It is a highly field-based certification program for preparing future secondary science and mathematics teachers.
NAUTeach Science and Mathematics graduates since 201174%
of NAUTeach graduates are currently teaching in schools48%
of graduates this academic year are graduating with dual degreesThrough the NAUTeach program, you can get a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in one of the following certification areas:
– Megan Klinefelter, NAUTeach Student
NAUTeach provides opportunities for you to:
- Graduate in four years
- Earn a Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) in their field of study
- Earn dual degrees
teaching science/math - Early classroom teaching immersion – beginning the first semester and continuing throughout our program
- Work in a STEM focused Center
- Experience “student-centered” instruction – Course structure supports deep student understanding of concepts related to teaching, science, and mathematics
- Develop numerous STEM based lessons and a full STEM based unit with practical teaching experience
- Engage in educational dialogue and planning
- Earn scholarships
Curious about teaching?
Take TSM 101 and find out how fun teaching can be! Our very first course puts you and a teaching partner in a real classroom, developing your own lesson plans and learning valuable skills you’ll utilize throughout college, regardless of if you continue with our program. You’ll receive $100 upon successful completion (C or better) in our TSM 101 class.
What NAUTeach students have to say about the program:
– Rebekkah Iskiw, NAUTeach Alumni
– Todd Gonzales, NAUTeach Student

View the NAUTeach Student Handbook.