The CSTL is proud to work with the next generation of Science and Math educators, helping them along their path in becoming highly qualified teachers who inspire students every day. We checked in with one of our alumni to see what she is doing after her time with the Center at NAU.
What are you up to after graduation Hannah?
I am currently teaching 7th grade science and social studies at Thompson Ranch Elementary School! I love all of my students dearly and I know that they all have the brilliance to change the world.
Amazing! What’s one thing you learned at NAU that you’ve applied in your current position?
I learned that when I make mistakes (not if), my value as a human being does not change. The greatest teachers are not the ones who get everything perfect the first time. The greatest teachers are those who constantly fail, get back up, reflect, and then try again. It truly is a simple concept, but it took me many years to learn!
Could you share one fond memory or experience from your time with the CSTL or NAU?
My fondest memory at NAU was when I got introduced to Chi Alpha Christian Ministries. My life was completely and utterly transformed when I met the most beautiful men and women who loved God with all their hearts. I came to Chi Alpha broken as can be, but I left wearing a crown on my head and knowing my worth as God’s daughter.
Thank you Hannah! We wish you the best of luck at Thompson Ranch with your lovely 7th graders.
Keep a look out for continued alumni spotlights on the CSTL’s webpage or on CSTL social media accounts. We’re on Twitter: @cstlnau Instagram: @nau_cstl and Facebook: @naucstl and @NAUTeach. Also find us on LinkedIn: